25 June 2008

An Utter Disaster of a Morning

Do you ever wake up and think “Today is just not going to be my day. I should just pull the covers over my head and go back to sleep.”? Yes I know, it’s like a self-fulfilling prophecy. As soon as you think like that you are bound to have a bad day. But first thing in the morning, logic is not my strong suit. (eh- who am I kidding, I’m rarely logical).

The children woke up grumpy as well (is there something in the air?). Everyone was being a bit impatient at breakfast, and I was feeling cranky and rushed. I went to pull something out of the refrigerator and it pulled the shelf out with it and somehow a pitcher of lemonade went flying. Literally. It landed on the floor and shattered ( a plastic pitcher! That sort of thing is just not supposed to happen! That is why we used plastic!!!!) and sent lemonade all over the front of the entire inside of the refrigerator, all over the dishwasher, surrounding cabinets and the floor. Oh, and all over me as well. Why does this sort of thing always happen when you are wearing an outfit you like?!!!! Anyway, that certainly did not help my mood. And Jacob, my ever wise little one, proceeded to remind me that we are supposed to be careful. Did you spill all the lemonade mommy? Did it get all over everything mommy? Mommy, you should really be careful. Yes, I know.

So it wasn’t the best start to the day. But I just refuse to have a bad day. There are just too many wonderful things happening in our lives, and there is just not a good reason to be in a bad mood. So I am just going to offer up my bad morning for a friend of mine’s daughter who is sick. See, I feel better all ready.

Everyone’s mood seems to have improved as the day as progressed and- I just had to go pull a wad of tape out of Joshua’s mouth. That boy. How did we get tape? Well he pulled one of the pictures off of the school room wall (Jacob likes when I put up his work) and then wadded up the tape and tried to eat it. That’s my Joshie-bear.


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