31 March 2009

A Sister Sewing Blessing!

Today was Sister Sewing, and it was such a huge blessing! The ladies had asked if they could help me with sewing dresses. I have been needing to sew maternity dresses but with having been sick, and then now facing terrible morning sickness, I have fallen behind. So this was such a blessing! We finished three dresses, and have four more cut out, ready to sew. Even just having them cut is a huge help. That is the hardest part for me when I do not feel well.

It felt so amazing to have that help. This is the first time we have really known what it is like to have a real "community". My sisters here are just amazing!

25 March 2009

Uh-Oh Joe!

Well, little Joe just could not resist my little seedlings. I think the fresh dirt and tempting green baby plants was just too much to resist! This is the second time he has gotten into my seedlings (the first being a sweet potato which he dug up and it has never recovered :() It was hard to be angry though, he just didn't seem to really understand what he had done wrong. Sigh. Oh the joy of little boys!


19 March 2009

Thankful Thursday

I am so thankful for all the help that we have had while I have been sick. And for the patience of my family while I have not been able to do all that I usually do.

I am thankful for my new washer even though I have not been able to use it yet.

I am thankful that the last two afternoons I have been able to take a wonderful nap cuddled up with my three year old.


17 March 2009

My Big Helper

Jacob has been having a lot of moments lately that just make my heart leap with joy. Cleaning up the playroom without being asked, taking the initiative to help his brothers, and this afternoon he asked me if we could sweep the kitchen for me. So he went at got out his little broom and swept. Then he asked if he could get the sweeper to get up the piles.
Such a good boy! It is such a blessing when children do things without being asked.

Through God's Abundant Grace,

12 March 2009

Thankful Thursday

1. I am thankful that even though I am sick, the house is mostly caught up and I can afford to rest today.
2. I am so thankful for the purchases that we have been able to make lately that are such a help in moving towards a less world-dependent way of life.
3. I am thankful for a really big blessing in my life...that our little family is growing and that I have a need to make new dresses ;)
4. I am thankful that the heater repairman finally showed up with our new furnace and is not putting it in!


11 March 2009

Playing Outside

We are all getting anxious for Spring time around here. The boys are over-flowing with boundless energy and just cannot wait to be able to play outside. Jacob is anxiously awaiting planting time for the garden. And I have been longing for beautiful Spring weather for hanging out the laundry.

We had a preview of Spring to come at the end of last week so the children (and Mama and Daddy) had a chance to play outside.

Joshie Bonked!

The boys were playing in Jacob's room yesterday when I suddenly heard a loud commotion and Joshua's screams. I ran to see what had happened. He had pulled so hard on the blind's cord that it yanked the top molding off of the window, which of course hit him right in the head! He had a huge blue knot and of course I was in a panic. I held a cold pack on it for as long as he would let me, and then as is our tradition I let him hold "frosty bear". I went on to fix lunch, turned around and realized that he had bitten a hole in frosty bear and there was blue goo everywhere. Again I started to panic because I had heard that the goo inside of those things is poisonous.

*Big Sigh of Relief* Turns out he really didn't eat the blue goo, and twenty four hours later all is well. He still has a knot but not nearly as large or blue as it was yesterday.

When I asked him what had happened to his head he said, "Joshie bonked". We hear those words quite a bit around here. I suppose it is part of being the mother of little boys.


05 March 2009

Thankful Thursday

I feel like I have so much to be thankful for today. I am surrounded by God's abundant blessings and I know that is but for His grace that I am able to accomplish anything at all in this world.

I am thankful for my friends...for the ladies here who are so patient with me (even though I have fallen far behind on sending out the Bible studies). You encourage me, and are such a sweet blessing to me. I am thankful for my friends at the church here, who I have such edifying and sweet fellowship with. I am thankful that they have shown me that even those who "seem" perfect fall short.

I am so thankful for another huge blessing, which I am not quite yet ready to "announce" but I am just so incredibly thankful for.

I am thankful for a son who this morning told me that I am beautiful, even though I am wearing a brown work dress.

I am thankful that our family has found a really great source for fresh milk and eggs.

I am thankful for being able to have devotions as a family, and for hearing the sweet sound of my children singing hymns.

I am thankful that when I told Jacob (3yr old) that I was going to have to take away their tractors, he said "Because I am not obeying God and being sweet to my brothers?" And I am thankful to see how he is growing up so much and proactively doing things to help his younger brothers. Yesterday he pulled out Joshua's chair for him at the table, so that he could climb up. And when he saw Joseph had dropped his toy he picked it up for him without being asked. It's the little things that just melt my heart.

Through God's Abundant Blessings,

04 March 2009

A Busy Day

This morning I went over to one of the ladies from church's houses to make two more coverings for myself. We adjusted the pleats in the back to get an even nicer fit, and I am so pleased with how they turned out.

This afternoon I have been busy reorganizing our family closet. Somehow it had become a bit of a mess! It looks much better now, and I think it will be easier to keep tidy.

I am exhausted this afternoon and I think I might sit down to read a bit in my new book. (A Virtuous Woman by Ruth Mast).