22 March 2006

Daddy's Coming Home!

Rick is on his way home! He is in Birmingham so he should be home soon.

I finally did some scrapbooking last night. I have not had much time at all to work on it since before Christmas. I am just now working on Thanksgiving and early December pictures. I am so behind, but it felt nice to be making something again.

21 March 2006

Garden Plans and Homemaking Notes

Last day before Rick comes home!

Princess is really missing her daddy. Every time he calls, she thinks he is home and runs to the door. She has been jumpy all day.

We received the card Mom had made for us when we moved. She said that Dad forgot to mail it, so it just came today. I still haven't heard from her though. I left her a message earlier, but I suppose she is just busy.

I took some good notes today on homemaking. I have been trying to find information for our garden. I did find some good tips. I also found some good tips on cleaning and homemade cleaner recipes.

20 March 2006

The First Day of Spring

Today is the first day of Spring, although it certainly doesn't feel like it. It is cold and rainy. We are expecting severe storms this afternoon.

Today I am trying to finish painting the doors and closet doors in our bedroom. It is taking so many coats. Paint can make such a dramatic difference. I am glad I am getting done, but I am exhausted.

I am excited for Mom to see what we have done, since she is the only one who saw the house in it's original state.

Jacob has been so pleasant this week. He is babbling all of the time, he will be talking in no time. He has been calling Princess "ya-ya". I don't know why, but it is cute.

Jacob took a big boy bath today. He sat up in the tub and played with a rubber duckie. I could not convince him to splash in the water though. He looked at me like I was crazy when I did it. Perhaps he will catch on...

I finally have my schedule worked out. Rick helped me with it over the phone. It looks like it will be pretty good. Busy, but not overloaded. Just the way I like it. :)

19 March 2006

Garden Plans, and Painting, and Looking for a Church

I painted our bedroom yesterday afternoon. Today I might work on the trim. The bedroom is so pretty now. It looks like a bed and breakfast room. The room seems so much larger without the hideous stripes.

Today I am taking it easy a little bit. I took a nice long shower and I am going to spend some time working on our Bible study books.

So far, so good with being home alone. I miss Rick a lot though. The house is so quiet without him.

This week I need to finalize our garden plans. I feel a little overwhelmed, it is so new to me. But I am excited at the thought of growing our own vegetables.

I am excited to start looking for a church. I really hope we can find somewhere with like-minded people. I don't feel an overwhelming need for friends (although it would be nice) but it would be great to have that support system for our family- a nice church for Jacob to grow up in.

18 March 2006

Keeping Busy

I painted Jacob's hallway and hung up the wall paper border. It is rather cute.

We are hanging in there and keeping busy to pass the time while Rick is away. I am trying to get as much painting done as I can because I know Rick really does not enjoy painting. So I know he will be pleased to see it done.

Poor Princess is sad that her daddy isn't home. She is moping around the house. She slept on top of me last night, facing the door. I guess she was being protective.

17 March 2006

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Well Rick left this morning :(. We had a good morning together though. We had a nice family breakfast together and Jacob was able to spend a little extra time with him.

Jacob has had a great day. He has been in a wonderful mood. He has been so playful.

Rick bought me pink roses before he left. They smell so lovely. I can just look at them and be reminded of how much I am loved.

I am painting Jacob's hallway today. The navy is so pretty.

15 March 2006

I Have Spring Fever...

It is so beautiful outside. What a beautiful world God has created for us! I keep looking for excuses to go outside.

Rick is going to San Fransisco this Friday. I hate that he has to travel so soon after us moving, but I know he has to go :(.

We found a friend of ours that has a nice tiller we can use to start our garden.

14 March 2006

Storms and Plans

We had some strong storms yesterday. There were tornadoes in our area but we were safe.

Last night I made a good country dinner of country fried steak, fried okra, mashed potatoes, gravy, and biscuits. It was yummy.

Mom and Dad might come the weekend after Rick's trip to help with getting our garden started. I am nervous and excited to start a garden. We have so much to learn!

12 March 2006

Jacob was a cranky boy today. He woke up that way and just stayed that way all day.

We went grocery shopping this afternoon. It always feels good when the pantry and freezer are well stocked.

Rick installed a digital thermostat. I am amazed at all the neat things he is learning to do. I am so proud of him.

He got the washer and dryer hooked up so now I can do our laundry!

Hard at Work

Jake was a cranky boy today. He woke up in a bad mood and just stayed that way. :(

We went grocery shopping this afternoon. It always feels good when the pantry and freezer are well stocked.

My wrist has been hurting...I think I twisted it trying to move my desk.

Rick installed a digital thermostat. I can't believe all the neat stuff he's learning to do. I am so proud of him.

I took the border down in my craft room. I hope to paint it next weekend.

This house is so cute...I am just really loving it.

Rick got the washer and dryer hooked up so now I can get some clothes washed.


11 March 2006

Home Sweet Home

Today has been a pretty good day. We went to Wal-mart which was crazy busy, so that part wasnt good. We bought some paint and blinds and some things for the house. After that we went to Denny's and had breakfast for dinner, so that was a treat. We had a banana split for dessert, it was my first one ever. Oh so yummy. When we came home there was a fire across the road from us. It was a controlled burn but it was still scary to see.

This evening we have been working on things around the house. Rick changed the locks on the back doors, and replaced the bathroom door handle, took down the wall paper border in our bedroom, and fixed my vanity. He is really becoming Mr. Fix-it. I think he can do just about anything!

We bought paint and a border for the hallway to Jacob's room. It is going to be so cute.

I love, love, love this house. Every day it just gets cuter and cuter. I love walking outside and hearing the cows. Or walking out back and there is no one behind us. It is great. It just seems like a happy house. All of the little imperfections just seem to add to it's charm. I love it.

Oh my. When we went to leave this afternoon there was a lizard in our car! So we had to get him out before we could leave. We really are out in the country!

10 March 2006

It Feels Like Home...

The wall paper border that we ordered for Jacob's room arrived today. It is going to be so adorable!

I just love this house. I really feel like God just picked this house especially for us. Our things just seem to belong here and it just feels like home. I can just see us living here forever. I just feel safe and comfortable here. It just seems like we belong here. I feel like this is a place where we can really grow and develop and flourish.

09 March 2006

Odds and Ends

The air-conditioner repair man is here. Hopefully he can get the unit working. The temperature has been all over the place. It seems to either be freezing cold or burning hot.

Jacob is licking everything he can get his hands on. Earlier it was my hand, and now the dinosaur on his excersaucer.

Princess freaked out when the repair man came. She was growling like a rabid dog. I had to chase her down and lock her up. She doesn't like people in our house.

I am working on the living room, finishing it up. I hung the curtains and a few other finishing touches. I just finished unpacking the last box in our bedroom. I also gave the living room windows and blinds a thorough cleaning.

I just finished up in Jacob's bathroom, the boxes are really clearing out!

Today Jacob and I were playing in his room and he was on his hands and knees and he turned around to see a toy! I think he will be crawling soon. He had so much fun playing, it was so cute.

It is storming badly out. There are really strong winds. I get so afraid when there are storms and Rick is not here.

Jacob is squealing with his "big" voice a lot today. He has been very talkative.

08 March 2006


Today I have been trying to finish the main rooms of the house. I am unpacking the last of our bedroom boxes, finishing up the family room and the mudroom, trying to unpack any boxes left in the hallways. I also have to finish cleaning the oven and Jacob's bathroom. I am a busy girl.

The house is really looking good. It is such an adorable country house!

I worked on my craft room this afternoon. I am excited to get it done. I like having my own special place. I also got our bedroom cleared out.

06 March 2006

Getting Settled

Wow, we have been busy! We moved on the 28th of February. We filled up the movers truck plus three loads in the U-haul. Mom was a huge help with Jacob!

The people we bought the house from where so difficult to deal with during moving. They didn't have everything out by the time we got there, they weren't very nice at all, and they didn't turn over all the keys. And we quickly discovered that the air conditioner and one of the showers were broken. It is going to cost us $500 to fix the air conditioner and Rick is having to change out all of the locks.

Jacob is holding his own bottle! What a big boy. He can also roll onto his tummy now. He is getting so big! I am finishing his room today. He has been sleeping in the family room because of needing to finish the paint in his room. I had hoped to get it all done ahead of time, but it just didn't work out.

Princess loves the new house. She likes everything being on one level, and she really loves going outside.

I have gotten a lot done in Jacob's room. I got all of his clothes put away, and all of his books and toys. His room is adorable! I also worked on the family room, I got Rick's chair set up for him and a lot of the books unpacked. I think I unpacked 15 boxes, on top of painting Jacob's bookshelf, cleaning the oven and taking care of Jacob. I have been pretty busy but there is still so much to do. I need to get our bedroom painted because it is driving Rick crazy (I must admit it is rather ugly)

Things are coming together. The house is just so cute!