25 July 2008


Every time I go anywhere someone always feels the need to tell me that I must be busy. It always feels a little strange because I know so many people that have much larger families, or wilder children, or a million other reasons that they must be “busier” than me, but I suppose they are right. My boys do keep me busy, each in their own unique way.

Joshie, Joshie, Joshie. What more do I need to say? A friend of mine recently said that it seems that the wildest, most awnry ones also seem to be the sweetest, and that God must have done that on purpose! That sums up Joshua in a nutshell. I have never seen a child so full of trouble and yet so incredibly sweet. It’s not that Joshua misbehaves per say, it’s just that he is so full of endless curiosity and rambunctious energy that he just can’t help himself. He sees something new and interesting and he just has to touch it. He sees a closed door and he just has to open it and see what is on the other side. And he does everything at full speed, so everything is loud and fast. He is just all boy. My husband commented yesterday that he even takes large strides when he walks. It’s as if he is in such a hurry to get where he’s going that he doesn’t have time for short strides. He keeps me constantly on my toes, every time I blink I think “Uh-oh, where’s Joshie?” He disappears every time I turn my back and I find him eating cat food, or emptying the kitchen cabinets or climbing on something. I can’t even tell you how many times a day I feel like he’s going to give me a heart attack by doing something wild and crazy. (This morning I turned around to see him put a handful of carfood into his mouth, ick!) On the other hand, I have never seen such a sweet child. No one gives as good of hugs as our Joshie-Bear, and he is so unselfish (which is so unusual at his age). He is so sweet to his little brother, and he looks up to Jacob with such adoration.

Jacob keeps me busy as well, but in a completely different way. He is so bright and observant, and he likes to talk about everything. Every little detail of everything he sees and hears. And he wants to know why. He doesn’t just want to know that the food is on the table, he wants to know how it got there and where it came from. And he remembers everything. He constantly will recall something from many months ago in perfect detail, and I have try and think about what he is referring to. He constantly amazes me!

And my little Joe. (He’s such a little guy to be called Joe. Joe seems like a grown up name, but Jacob is just absolutely insistent on calling him Joe.) He also keeps me busy, but who could possibly complain? He loves to be cuddled and kissed, and he will laugh at just about anything. Changing his diaper is apparently hilarious. So is getting dressed, and picking him up, and anything Joshua does. Even just talking to him cracks him up. He must have some sense of humor. His laugh is unbelievably contagious, and his smile could light up the whole room.

Cat Food is Non-Toxic, Right?

Every time I go anywhere someone always feels the need to tell me that I must be busy. It always feels a little strange because I know so many people that have much larger families, or wilder children, or a million other reasons that they must be “busier” than me, but I suppose they are right. My boys do keep me busy, each in their own unique way.

Joshie, Joshie, Joshie. What more do I need to say? A friend of mine recently said that it seems that the wildest, most awnry ones also seem to be the sweetest, and that God must have done that on purpose! That sums up Joshua in a nutshell. I have never seen a child so full of trouble and yet so incredibly sweet. It’s not that Joshua misbehaves per say, it’s just that he is so full of endless curiosity and rambunctious energy that he just can’t help himself. He sees something new and interesting and he just has to touch it. He sees a closed door and he just has to open it and see what is on the other side. And he does everything at full speed, so everything is loud and fast. He is just all boy. My husband commented yesterday that he even takes large strides when he walks. It’s as if he is in such a hurry to get where he’s going that he doesn’t have time for short strides. He keeps me constantly on my toes, every time I blink I think “Uh-oh, where’s Joshie?” He disappears every time I turn my back and I find him eating cat food, or emptying the kitchen cabinets or climbing on something. I can’t even tell you how many times a day I feel like he’s going to give me a heart attack by doing something wild and crazy. (This morning I turned around to see him put a handful of carfood into his mouth, ick!) On the other hand, I have never seen such a sweet child. No one gives as good of hugs as our Joshie-Bear, and he is so unselfish (which is so unusual at his age). He is so sweet to his little brother, and he looks up to Jacob with such adoration.

Jacob keeps me busy as well, but in a completely different way. He is so bright and observant, and he likes to talk about everything. Every little detail of everything he sees and hears. And he wants to know why. He doesn’t just want to know that the food is on the table, he wants to know how it got there and where it came from. And he remembers everything. He constantly will recall something from many months ago in perfect detail, and I have try and think about what he is referring to. He constantly amazes me!

And my little Joe. (He’s such a little guy to be called Joe. Joe seems like a grown up name, but Jacob is just absolutely insistent on calling him Joe.) He also keeps me busy, but who could possibly complain? He loves to be cuddled and kissed, and he will laugh at just about anything. Changing his diaper is apparently hilarious. So is getting dressed, and picking him up, and anything Joshua does. Even just talking to him cracks him up. He must have some sense of humor. His laugh is unbelievably contagious, and his smile could light up the whole room.

So yes, I am “busy”, but who wouldn’t want to be busy with all this fun?

Blessedly Busy,

Beautifully Frugal

Many times frugal equals simple. But it doesn’t always have to. One example of this can be our dining room table.

For instance paper napkins are obviously not a frugal choice, but sometimes cloth napkins can get pricey (especially if you are having to purchase enough for a large family and use them at every meal) So why not make some? It is a very simple project even if you have limited sewing skills. One thing I have done is to look for bed sheets at thrift stores and garage sales that are the right colors or patterns to match my dining room. I just cut them into squares ( i used a purchased cloth napkin to get the size) and then hem around the edges. Even just one sheet makes a ton of napkins.

Another frugal yet beautiful touch are pretty serving trays. I have found pretty silver look trays at the dollar store, or even garage sales and thrift stores. They may not be high quality, but they look pretty on the table. I arrange fresh fruit or vegetables on them and it makes for a beautiful breakfast or lunch table. Also look for pretty glass pitchers or bowls. You can mix and match your finds and create a gorgeous table for very little cost.

24 July 2008

The Family Table

Jacob loved watching me unpack and set up the rooms in our new home. When I was unpacking our dining room, I pulled out the box of our gold silverware and serving utensils and he asked “What is that Mommy?” It occurred to me that he probably had never even seen it before. We only used it at holidays or special occasions, and we really hadn’t used it much in quite some time. This made me think. Why do I have this beautiful set of cutlery and yet it just sits in a drawer of the china cabinet? What is the point of having it if we are not going to use it? So now we use it every evening for dinner. Which then inspired me to make the rest of dinner beautiful as well. Why not use the nice cloth napkins? Why not light some candles? Why not set an atmosphere with soft classical music? Yes, we are a family full of little boys. And boys can be rambunctious and messy, but boys can also learn to be polite little gentlemen and they won’t learn if they are not taught.

So then the other day I was thinking about how lovely it was to have everything so nice for dinner, why not bring some of that to the other meals as well? So i pulled a few of my serving trays out of the china cabinet. At breakfast I arranged a fruit plate, and everyone loved it! The boys even seemed to remember their manners. So at lunch I arranged a vegetable tray, and a tray of meat and cheese, and one of crackers. Again, it was a hit! Breakfast and lunch were both so pleasant that we have decided to continue with the concept of making every meal a little special. No more rushing around, no more throwing lunch together in a hurry. Meals are an occasion to sit down together, have polite conversation, and enjoy the company of our family. Whether we are serving sandwiches or a full course dinner, the table is pretty and manners are remembered. It is amazing how even carrot and celery sticks suddenly seem like a treat when served on a pretty silver platter.

One thing that is important to remember when you have little ones is that children will be children. You can not expect a one year old to not make a mess when he is eating spaghetti, and you have to expect that he will run that pretty gold fork through his hair at some point, and that it is entirely possible that the placemat could end up on the floor. But in time, with the right example, he will learn what is acceptable behavior, and before you know it he will learn to behave like a little gentleman.

We bought a pretty lace table cloth this weekend. ( I must admit that I remove it for meals, I am not entirelycrazy afterall) I love lace, and had wanted a lace tablecloth for some time, but it is hard to find one large enough that is not terribly expensive. I wasn’t ready to invest in an expensive one yet, so this was perfect. I love the mix of masculine and feminine in our home. Our house is a log cabin style, so there is quite a bit of wood, and yet I have used a lot of lace, and vases of flowers, and we have an ornate four poster bed. Our home feels comfortable, and it is our own blend of formal yet warm. It fits our family, for where we are in life right now. We do have little ones so our home has to be child friendly, but I also don’t want to live in a world of bright colored plastic and no knic-nacs. So I think we have found what works for our family.

Homemaking Blessings,

Homemaking Challenge

Wow, is July nearly over already? How did that happen? I suppose we have been rather busy…

1. Continue adding new inventory to Modest Melly’s.
2. Organize refrigerator. We bought so much fresh produce that it doesn’t fit in my produce drawer so I am going to have to come up with a different system.
3. Wash Jospeh’s laundry, and a load of darks.
4. Do some general clean up around the house.

Happy Homemaking!

23 July 2008

Homemaking Challenge

My husband worked from home Monday and Tuesday, so I haven’t had much internet access this week. But today I am back, and have much catching up to do. I went shopping this past weekend for inventory for our store, so I need to get that up.

1. Add new inventory to Modest Melly’s. Crop pictures, add to database, enter into site.
2. Transfer flour to zip top bags and label. I have been storing it in a large tub, but I think that it will stay fresh for longer if I have it in bags inside the container. So I am transferring nearly 50 lbs of flour into gallon sized baggies. This could take a while, hehe. Then when I finish with that tub, there’s the bread flour, sugar, brown sugar, rice…. And I need to label each bag as well. I need to change the label tape cartidge in my label maker since it is out.
3. After transferring flour I will need to reclean the kitchen as I am sure i will make a mess. :)
4. Continue working on my new wardrobe book that I am putting together. (Yes, I know. I am obsessed with the whole organizing thing, but it works for us!)
5. Laundry. Washed, dried, folded and PUT AWAY! Somehow clothes seem to get lost between the laundry room and the closets…
6. Organize pantry. We are really dedicating ourselves to eating healthy, so I need to rearrange the pantry to make room for some different things.
7. Dinner~ Leftover spaghetti.

Happy Homemaking,

18 July 2008

Homemaking Challenge

This week has been just crazy busy. Joseph had his four month checkup, I attended a tea with the ladies at my parish, and there just seems to be a lot of little stuff this week. So today I’d like to take some time to get caught up.

1. Get caught up on laundry.
2. Create a menu combining some of our family favorites with some new frugal recipes.
3. Take inventory of the pantry, refrigerator and freezer.
4. Make grocery shopping list.
5. Make iced tea, lemonade, and orange juice.
6. Cut children’s fingernails (I cant believe how fast they grow!)
7. Finish organizing planner.
8. Bake a loaf of bread.
9. Dinner~ A Medley of Vegetables and Homemade Rolls. I haven’t decided which vegetables I am making yet.


Happy Homemaking!

14 July 2008

Homemaking Challenge

I have been sick this weekend, and am still not feeling well, so I’m going to keep it light.

1. Clean litter boxes.
2. Fill potpurri pots.
3. Figure out what to do about the um, dead bird on our front porch. (he have huge windows on the front of our house and frequently have birds hit them, but this is the first one that has fallen to his death).
4. Dinner~ Meatloaf, Macaroni and Cheese, Green Beans.
5. Add new articles to Catholic Homemaking (site).

Happy Homemaking!

11 July 2008

Helping Playmates, Serving Mother, They are Serving Jesus Still

It is such an amazing feeling as a mother when your children start showing that they are actually listening, and show the fruits of what you have been teaching them. It is just so cool.

Jacob has lately really come into his role as the biggest brother. He is constantly trying to show Joshua how to do things, and helping him with things. Yesterday I had asked them to start cleaning up the school room, and a few minutes later I turned around to see Jacob helping Joshua to put all of the play dishes in their tub. It was just so precious! He would hand him a dish and say “Ok Joshie, now put it in the box. Great Job Joshie!” He was speaking with such kindness, I literally almost teared up.

We have this poem that we read each morning as we get dressed. I read it to Joshua as I get him dressed, and then I read it again as I help Jacob. We do this everyday, and sometimes even during diaper changes. I’m not sure where it came from originally, but I printed it out and decorated it, and framed it to hang in their bedroom. I just love this poem as I think it teaches children how they can serve Jesus, even when they are little.

Serving Jesus
Children’s hands can work for Jesus,
Glad to do His holy will;
Helping playmates, serving mother,
They are serving Jesus still.

Let your hand be quick and true;
God will give them work to do.

Children’s lips can move for Jesus,
Speaking gently all the while,
Making other people happy,
With a love-word and a smile.

Let your speach in kindness fall;
Jesus listens to it all.

Children’s feet can run for Jesus,
And for Him sweet comfort take
To the hearts bowed low in sorrow,
Blessing all for His dear sake.

Let your footsteps gladness bring,
Doing errands for the King.

The boys just love this poem. As soon as I put Joshua on the changing table, he points to it and says “Jesus!”

With a Servant's Heart,

10 July 2008

My Boys, My Girl, and a Spot of Tea

Today Jacob is all about being lazy. How can I play with my toys without having to get up off of the floor? It seems that taking a little break from school as brought out the lazy bones in him! And it seems to be contagious, Joshua is now lounging on the floor with a pillow and his “nap”. What to do with these lazy boys! I think we will all be glad when school resumes in a couple of weeks. It was nice to take a little break, but it will be good to get back into our regular routine and schedule.

Little Joseph is beginning to really find his “voice”. It is so precious! He is doing a lot more of the baby babbling, and new sounds are coming out every day. It is so neat to watch little ones try new things, and explore and discover the world around him. He recently discovered that he can move across the room by rolling over and spinning around. And he’s such a cheery little guy that it’s really hard not to smile when he is around.

Homemaking Challenge

1. Clean all three bathrooms. (scrub toilets, clean showers and tubs, clean countertops, mirrors, mop floors).
2. Bake banana bars.
3. Add more recipes to www.catholichomemaking.com
4. Laundry.
5. Dinner~ Country Fried Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Fried Okra, Biscuits and Gravy.

“This is the day that the Lord has made! Let us rejoice and be glad in it!”

Happy Homemaking!

09 July 2008

Homemaking Challenge

1. Clean Bedrooms (dust, change bed linens, vacuum, straighten everything up)
2. Add more recipes to www.catholichomemaking.com
3. Finish painting Jacob’s birthday present. (a plaster train set)
4. Laundry-wash a load of whites and light colors.
5. Dinner- Chicken and Broccoli Casserole, Homemade Rolls
6. Bake chocolate chip cookies.
7. Package grapes into individual snack bags for husband’s lunches, dice grapes for the little ones.

The weather is so gray outside today, it seems like it is going to be one of those days where we have to fight against laziness. The boys are even sluggish today. Seems like a good day for cuddling on the sofa with some books. We may have to make a little time for that as well. :)

Happy Homemaking!

08 July 2008

Just Another Crazy Day

Can you believe that I am STILL hearing about the lemonade incident???? “Be careful Mommy, don’t spill it again!” “Mommy always spills the lemonade” “Mommy it’s not good to spill it” Jacob just won’t let it go. I suppose eventually I will do something else that will distract his attention…

We figured out that Frannie does indeed have a quirk (how could she be a part of our family without at least some degree of quirkiness, although we had to know there was something. She did stalk us through the windows for six months…). Frannie likes to attack feet. She pounces from out of no where and bites our feet. She only seems to do it when she wants something, but it is so crazy. Other than that she is a wonderful cat. And who doesn’t like to have their feet eaten by a crazy cat?

My husband forgot his lunch this morning and he thought about asking me to bring it to him. But then he realized that it would cost more in gas than it would for him to just buy his lunch. That is just crazy! We recently figured out that it costs us $8 just to drive to Wal-mart. Which means it costs considerably more than that for us to drive to Mass! I never thought much about gas prices. But before we moved here my husband was driving 150 miles a day, just to commute to work. And as gas prices skyrocketed, we began to pay attention.

It’s been so busy around here (isn’t it always?). I have been trying to get my recipes added to www.proverbs31homemaking.com, but it is taking a while because there are so many. I have notebooks full of ideas and recipes and tips so I think it will be a work in progress for quite some time.

I started painting a set of plaster trains for Jacob’s birthday. He still loves trains, and he loves things that I make, so it seemed like a perfect combination. We had a train birthday party last year, and I kinda thought that he would have moved on by now, but he just loves trains. He gets to see so many real trains around here. Just about every time we go anywhere we see at least one. And on the way to Mass we drive right past a train station, and he can see them right up close.

Anyway… It is so pretty outside today. And the boys are all being pleasant, so that makes for a pretty good day.

Shepherd's Pie

I didn’t get a chance to post this yesterday, so I thought I would do it today.

1-2 lb. ground beef (or left over pot roast)
mashed potatoes ( I use about 6 potatoes worth)
1-1 1/2 c. cooked carrots
1 med onion, diced
1-2 c. shredded cheese
garlic powder
salt and pepper to taste

If using ground beef, cook with onions in skillet, drain.
If using pot roast, just saute onions.

In a casserole dish layer from bottom to top: cooked meat, onions, seasonings, carrots, potatoes, cheese.

Bake at 350 fir 45 minutes.


Homemaking Challenge

1. Dust living room, dining room, and school room. Clean glass in tables and china cabinet. Vacuum.
2. Bake a loaf of bread.
3. Add more recipes to www.catholichomemaking.com.
4. Laundry.
5. Iron a dress shirt for my husband.
6. Dinner~ Spaghetti and Garlic Toast.
7. Paint the plaster trains for Jacob’s birthday.

Happy Homemaking!

Butter Beans

Since I didn’t get a chance to post this yesterday, I thought I’d do it today.

One bag frozen butter beans (or lima beans)
4-6 pieces of bacon

Place all ingredients in a pan and add just enough water to almost cover. Cook for 20-30 minutes till beans are tender.



This is my super simple spaghetti recipe.

1 lb. ground beef
1 onion, diced
1 clove garlic, minced
Italian seasonings
salt to taste
1 can diced tomatoes
1 can tomato sauce

Brown ground beef in pan. When almost done, add onions and garlic. When onions are clear add seasonings and salt..
Add tomatoes and tomato sauce.
Let simmer till done.


Super Simple Garlic Toast

sliced bread
garlic salt
grated paremesan cheese
margerine or butter

Spread butter or margerine on bread. Sprinkle with garlic salt and parmesan cheese. Place in oven and broil until desired doneness. Garnish with parsley.


07 July 2008

Red, White, and Zoo

For Independence day we decided to take the children to the zoo. We knew that they would enjoy that more than seeing fireworks at their age. We had a lovely time! We bought a pass that allowed us to ride the train, tram and boat as much as we’d like, and apparently that is all that Jacob really wanted to do. From the minute we got there he wanted to ride the train. Forget the animals, we were there to ride a train!

We still have yet to make it through the entire zoo, but at least with a membership we do not feel bad about it, since we can just go again.

We did have fun in “Australia” this time. The kangaroos run free , but they tend to stay on this grassy pasture. But a few hopped onto the trail and came very close to us. The boys liked getting to meet them up close!

We also ended up meeting a nice family, and it turns out that we go to the same church! So that was neat.

All in all we had a nice day. The weather was perfect, the boys were great, what more could you ask for?

Homemaking Challenge

1. Bake a loaf of bread.
2. Add recipes to Catholic Homemaking site.
3. Clean kitchen (thoroughly clean countertops, sweep, mop, polish front of refrigerator, dust decoratives)
4. Dinner: Shepard’s Pie, Butter Beans, Bread.
5. Laundry.
6. Paint plaster trains for a birthday present for Jacob.

Things have been so busy around here! I tend to like to be challenged and to have a lot on my plate as they say, so it seems that I am constantly finding ways to be more busy. Like launching a homemaking website only weeks after opening my modest clothing business. Being busy challenges me, and I do enjoy it.

I am also going to try and spend a little more time on some crafts though. I haven’t had much time lately, and I think that having that time re-energizes me. It is my quiet time to just step away from everything else. I like to pray quietly as I create things, pray for the people I am making something for, or about anything that may be weighing on me.

Well I must get back to work!

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!

Happy Homemaking!

03 July 2008

New Homemaking Site

I am really enjoying my homemaking blog, but I thought that it might be neat to have an actual website that contained all of the homemaking resources that I plan to share on here.

My prayer is that in sharing what I have learned, I may be able to encourage someone else in their journey as a wife, mother and homemaker. Perhaps other ladies will feel that they can also contribute and together we can provide a vast resource for Catholic ladies living out their vocation in the domestic Church.

As homemakers it is easy to fall into letting the mundane tasks overwhelm us, but it is important to remember that the little things that we do to take care of our families have a greater purpose! In washing the laundry and preparing meals and wiping messy faces, we are showing our children love and kindness. Perhaps that kindness will grow into a desire to serve others. Perhaps they will learn from the quiet example that you are setting to die to self and serve Our Lord first. So remember as you go about your day doing the “little things”, that there is no work too small to matter to Our Heavenly Father.

May God Bless you as you strive to serve Him in all that you do!




02 July 2008

A Day to Play

We had a lovely weekend. We always have so many errands to run on the weekend, but this week we made a concerted effort to just stay home.

We spent a good bit of the afternoon playing outside. The boys had a great time! Jacob wanted to ride his bike, and Joshua played with just about everything. He enjoyed blowing bubbles with me for Joseph.

The boys had fun playing on the floor with Daddy. We sang songs and then Jacob decided to break into an impromptu prayer session. It was precious!

A Deer Outside the Window

We live out in the country, so seeing a deer shouldn’t be too much of a surprise, but we never see them near our house. We see them out on the main road, but never here.

But today there was a sweet little deer standing in front of the house, happily eating grass. Just too cute!

Homemaking Challenge

One of my big goals lately has been to create a stash of foods in the freezer to have on hand when I am running short on time, or for some reason am not able to cook as much as I’d like. So that has been one of my top items on my homemaking challenge lately.

My Homemaking Challenge for Today…
1. Bake rolls to add to my freezer stash, using my Homemade Rolls Recipe, and my White Rolls Recipe.
2. Wash three loads of laundry.
3. Dinner- Chicken and Broccoli Casserole, Rolls
4. Reorganize the children’s pajama drawers. The two older boys have outgrown some of the pajamas in their drawer and we decided to rearrange where we have them. I recently reorganized their dresser, so now I’m reorganizing where their pajamas are as well.

Happy Homemaking!