31 December 2005

Happy New Years!

It is New Year's Eve. I cannot believe it is the start of a new year. This year passed by so quickly.

It is interesting how the start of a new year makes you evaluate where your life is headed and where you have been. We have really taking a good look at where we are in life and how we are living. We realized that we really need to strengthen our relationship with God. We haven't been as close to Him as we should, and we intend to grow closer.

29 December 2005

New Recipes and Such

We have been busy all week trying to get the house back in order after having company. What a task!

I am so exhausted after all of the Christmas preparations. I feel like I could sleep for days.

I have found some new recipes for homemade bread. I am looking forward to trying them. I also found some recipes for homemade baby food. I think that will be neat to try.

I bought a set of containers for all of my flours and sugars. I labeled them all this afternoon. That was fun. I also bought new kitchen towels. I love things like that, it just makes doing dishes a little more enjoyable. :)


25 December 2005

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! Oh what a wonderful Christmas! It was so wonderful to have the family together. I am so glad that everyone came. I think that Jacob really enjoyed the company. It was great for him to be surrounded with so much love.

Jacob liked opening presents! He loved his excersaucer! He liked looking at all of the toys (too many toys!) He had so much fun playing with Papa. He just laughed and laughed.

Princess enjoyed the presents too. She knew which ones were hers (perhaps it was the pink?) She really liked her new traveling bag, she could not wait to get in it!

I think Mom and Dad really liked their presents. Dad came up and thanked us again before he left.

Beth was excited to go through my clothes. I gave her a Louis Vuitton that I had never even used. It was a smaller size that didn't fit all of my stuff. She was really excited about it. She said she really liked the throw blanket that I made for her. It just felt good to be able to do something nice for her.

It was really so great being together as a family for Christmas!

23 December 2005

Zoolight Safari


20 December 2005

Last Minute Things...

Five days until Christmas!!!!

Mom and Beth are arriving tomorrow. They are coming early to help with baking and last minute preparations.

There is still so much to do. The gift baskets are well under way, but aren't quite finished. I still need to clean the house, wrap some presents. And I need to go to the grocery store.

Princess had a grooming appointment and she looks beautiful. I have finished her Christmas shopping, but I haven't wrapped her presents yet.

I finished shopping for stocking stuffers and last minute items. The only shopping I have left is for groceries.


17 December 2005


Rick is out, shopping for Christmas, and I am about to do some baking.

I bought Princess' gifts yesterday. I still need to get her stocking stuffers, and a main gift. (yes, I know, she is a DOG,lol)

We went shopping yesterday evening and then to dinner at Bahama Breeze.

It still feels like there are so many errands to run!


16 December 2005

Busy Little Christmas Bees

"Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat!..." My mother used to always sing that carol when she would get excited about Christmas. I cannot believe it is almost here!

As soon as Jacob wakes up from his nap we are headed to the Fresh Market for bananas for banana nut bread. I have a few errands to run as well. We are busy little bees this week.

This weekend I need to finish Beth's throw.


14 December 2005

Baking, and Card Making, and Such

Rick was not feeling well earlier today so I made him a goodie bag with cookies and some medicine, and I went and got him a special smoothie with an "immune boost" and special vitamins to help you feel better. I brought that along with lunch up to his work. When I talked to him this afternoon, he said he was feeling much better, so I guess I helped. :)

Yesterday I mad eight batches of chocolate chip cookies. They turned out delicious. Everyone always says that I make the best cookies.

I am trying to get myself organized. I feel a little scatterbrained the past few days. There is so much to do before Christmas, and I do not have time to not be focused.

I have the main part of our Christmas cards finished. They have turned out beautifully. I still need to buy some ribbon to add the finishing touches.


13 December 2005

Countdown to Christmas

Only 12 days to go until Christmas!

Today I am baking cookies. I am going to finish as many as I can today. I will need a lot of cookies for the gift baskets.

I spent all morning on the phone trying to figure out why Dad's present has not arrived yet. That was stressful. I think that it is worked out though. I have to call again on Friday if it is not here.

12 December 2005

Christmas Preparations!

I have had a busy day. I went shopping for Rick's Christmas presents and then to Wal-mart for gift wrapping supplies. Then grocery shopping for baking supplies so that I can get started on all these cookies.

I have a ton of presents to wrap and bows to make. I am making all of the bows and gift tags myself. I am working so hard this holiday season. I put a lot on my plate, but I like it that way ;).

Rick has to work late tonight so that will give me time to wrap his gifts. I am so excited about what I have gotten for him. i hope he likes it! I was having a difficult time deciding what to get for him, but then I got some really great ideas.

11 December 2005

Happy Birthday Princess!

Today is Princess' first birthday! We took her to get a "Sneaky Pete's" hotdog with saurkraut (her favorite), and she had gourmet doggie bones with icing and sprinkles. We also had a cake. We gave her a new rope toy as a present.

While we were at the mall we bought Jacob's special "first Christmas" ornament. It is silver with his name engraved in it. We also bought him a silver train with his name engraved.

On Saturday we went to Toys R Us. That was an experience. It was unbelievably crowded and a mess. We waited in line for over an hour, but we found everything that we were looking for.

In Christ,

09 December 2005

Sewing, Holiday Preparations, and Playtime with Jacob

Yesterday was a busy day. I wrapped Jacob's Christmas presents and made all of the bows for them. I also made the rice heating pads, so now I just need to write out the instructions on pretty cards. I made the first four rows of Beth's throw. I hope to finish it this weekend.

I really enjoyed sewing yesterday. My sewing table is in front of a window and it was so pleasant to sit there working on my projects and gazing out of the window. I think I will want to find more sewing projects to do now that I have such a wonderful place to sew.

Today is Dad's birthday. I need to make sure to remind Rick to call him.

I need to work on making Christmas cards. I haven't even decided on what I am making. I also really need to get started on the gift baskets. I need to plan the dinner menu for Christmas. We also need to finish Christmas shopping. There is so much to do!

Jacob is really starting to enjoy his playtime on the floor. He likes that he is able to hold on to toys. We have a lot of fun playing together.

I cannot believe that it is almost Christmas. This year has flown by! Time is passing by so quickly. I can hardly believe that Jacob is four months old. Princess' birthday is in two days. We have had her nearly a year. It has really gone by fast.

I really love my new craft room! It is such a pleasant place to work! I really had a wonderful time sewing yesterday. It made me want to do more sewing. I would really like to learn more sewing skills. I think that it is wonderful to make things. It makes me feel so good inside. I think that it would be fantastic to be able to make clothes. Maybe I will be able to teach myself. I have taught myself other things, so I think that I could learn. I am currently teaching myself to knit.

In Love,

07 December 2005

Shopping and Scrapbooking

This afternoon I had a chiropractic appointment, and then Jacob and I went shopping to buy a few craft supplies for Christmas gifts that I am making. I am making rice heating pads for Mom, Memaw, Cindy and Beth. I am also making a quilted throw made of fleece for Beth. Jacob was sweet at the store.

I worked on our wedding album this morning. It is finally almost finished! It has only been three years,lol! It has turned out beautifully. I am very pleased with it. I plan to do a family album next. Well, actually two. One for all of the day to day and special pictures over the next year, and then one that will hold pictures from all of the special occasions-to be added to throughout the years. That album is a beautiful leather bound book that we will keep in the living room.


06 December 2005

My Craft Room

My craft room is beautiful! We finished painting yesterday and arranged the furniture. This morning I put all of my craft supplies in their new places and painted my sewing table. I also hung a shelf and my clock. The room is so beautiful! It really reflects who I am and it is going to be a wonderful place to express my creativity.

Beth called and said she is planning to come early for our Christmas gathering. That will be really nice.

In Christ,

05 December 2005

A Doctor's Visit and Busy Days

We have had a busy day! Jacob had an appointment with his pediatrician today. The doctor said that he is really healthy and looks great. Jacob is up to 16 pounds! The doctor said that Jacob is really smart, but we already knew that ;)!

The doctor also gave us the go-ahead at starting him on solid foods. Jacob has such a healthy appetite and definitely seems ready to try something new. So this evening we gave him his first taste of rice cereal. He was so excited to actually eat "real" food.

After his appointment, we stopped for a coffee and then ran by the store where I picked up a new table for my dollhouse.

Yesterday, we worked on painting my craft room. We are going to paint the final coat this afternoon. I also put the base coat on my sewing cart.

This afternoon I did a thorough cleaning of the kitchen. Now I am tired. I have worked hard yesterday and today.

I made Dad's birthday card and a card for Rick's cousin because she just had her baby today, a baby girl.

I spoke with Memaw and Papa today and they are planning to arrive the Friday before Christmas.

In Christ's Love,

03 December 2005

Christmas Trees

I just got home from the nail salon. I had a manicure and a very relaxing pedicure . They asked about how Jacob was doing. It is a great nail salon that I have been going to the whole time I was expecting, so they know us well :).

This afternoon we are headed to Lowe's for a Christmas tree and paint for my craft room. We are also going shopping for more Christmas decorations.

I am in the process of redecorating my craft room. It is a mess at the moment. I am hoping to paint this week. I would like to have it done before everyone comes for Christmas. Mom is always interested in what I am doing in there. She said she wants to set up a room like mine when they move.

Jacob was really sweet while we were shopping. He was smiling and babbling and just as happy as could be. It was a really enjoyable time.

The Christmas trees are beautiful! The white lights on the tree in the front room are elegant and almost magical looking. The colored light tree is beautiful and fun. We have three trees to put on the front porch. What a lovely Christmas this will be!

We talked to Beth this evening. She said that she also really enjoyed our time together at Thanksgiving. She is looking forward to coming at Christmas. I am going to clean out my closet and have her go through and see if she wants any of it. She had expressed some interest in some things so I thought that might be nice.

With Love,

02 December 2005

Reflections and Christmas Planning

As the year is ending it is a wonderful time to reflect on the past year. Life has been so good to us: a beautiful child, a lovely home, a sweet puppy, a wonderful marriage, good relationships with family. I am so glad that Mom and I have become close. So many wives do not have a good relationship with their mother-in-law, so I am thankful that is not the case for me. I care for her as if she were my own mother. And I am grateful for my relationship with Papa. He is such a sweet and wonderful man. I am so incredibly happy to have my precious baby boy in my life. He is an amazing little person! I love my little puppy. She was such a great companion during my pregnancy, and she has her own special place in our family. But I am most grateful about my amazing relationship with my loving and adoring husband. What a great life we have built together!

This has been the best year of my life so far, and we have so much to look forward to in the coming years. I am excited to watch Jacob learn and grow. I am excited to rejoice in each new milestone reached, both small and large. Jacob seems to be learning something new everyday. It is exciting!

It is the holiday season! My favorite time of the year! I just love Christmas. This Christmas will be so much fun. Little Jacob's first Christmas! Princess' first Christmas, too! This is going to be fun.

We have been watching a fascinating documentary on the history of the Presidents. It is so interesting. We love history, and are fascinated by it.

It is time to begin planning for the Christmas get-together. Everyone is coming to our house this year. I am not sure yet who is coming. I know Mom, Dad, Beth, Memaw and Papa are probably coming. I think it will be great fun! We have developed our own sweet little traditions. On Christmas Eve we exchange one gift each of special Christmas pajamas.

This weekend we are going to buy a tree for the living room. I want to have a tree with colored lights and child-oriented decorations in the living room, and a tree with white lights and more formal decorations in the dining room. I am even putting a small tree in the den. I have Christmas decorations in every room of the house. Christmas is so much fun!
