23 August 2010

Weekend Happenings

Saturday the sun came back out, so Jacob and I went outside to color as promised. What an enjoyable time! I'm not sure if the 3-D chalk is really 3-D, but it was bright and colorful. :) We drew pictures of our family and flowers and suns and all sorts of fun things.

I love watching the boys play pretend together. They were driving the "dog truck". I'm not sure where they were going, but they were going to get there together and I'm pretty sure the journey was the best part!

Baby Jamie is quite the little pianist. You should hear him sing! He sure enjoys playing piano with mommy, and mommy sure enjoys playing with him. :)

Sunday afternoon we decided to go for a drive along the Sante Fe Trail. I love the area where we live...there are just so many interesting and educational places to go and see! I really think the country land here must be the prettiest in the whole world. There's just something special about the cornfields and green pastures, and that never ending azure blue sky.


Cow Puppets!

This weeks preschool lessons for little Joe are about cows, so today we all made cow puppets. I thought the big boys would enjoy doing this craft as well. :)

After we had made the puppets, Jacob realized something was missing...We had forgotten to draw on their hearts! I just love my precious Jacob!

 We had a rather good school day. Our memory verse this week, Matthew 5:9, "Blessed are the peacemakers..." was just the verse my heart needed. I love how God works that way! We talked about the story of Abraham and Lot, and how Lot chose for himself the better pasture. I love God's timing, and how he can use teaching a child a bible story to remind us of such important lessons. By taking the best for himself, Lot positioned himself right near two wicked cities, and brought pain into his family. What a powerful lesson!

I was so blessed today by a lady I don't really even know. My amazing friends have been helping out with meals while I have been recovering from my back problems. A few of the ladies that I do not know have even brought meals. This lady brought over a delicious Turkish meal (I had never had Turkish food before!) which our family very much enjoyed. She also brought me this pot of yellow flowers, and can I just tell you how much that made my day! It was like bringing in a pot of sunshine! I just know I will feel the kindness of her gesture whenever I see them on the table. What a sweet, sweet lady!


Weekend Happenings

Saturday the sun came back out, so Jacob and I went outside to color as promised. What an enjoyable time! I'm not sure if the 3-D chalk is really 3-D, but it was bright and colorful. :) We drew pictures of our family and flowers and suns and all sorts of fun things.

 I love watching the boys play pretend together. They were driving the "dog truck". I'm not sure where they were going, but they were going to get there together and I'm pretty sure the journey was the best part!

Baby Jamie is quite the little pianist. You should hear him sing! He sure enjoys playing piano with mommy, and mommy sure enjoys playing with him. :)

Sunday afternoon we decided to go for a drive along the Sante Fe Trail. I love the area where we live...there are just so many interesting and educational places to go and see! I really think the country land here must be the prettiest in the whole world. There's just something special about the cornfields and green pastures, and that never ending azure blue sky.


20 August 2010

Just Another Homeschooling Day...

The boys and I love starting our mornings off on the right foot by singing together. Every time his brothers start singing, Jamie smiles from ear to ear. He loves their "joyful noise"! Jacob said that his favorite song is "This is the day that the Lord has made!"

Joshua and Joseph built with blocks while Jacob and I worked on handwriting. It is always so neat to see what they will create!

Jacob and I had a bit of a trial, when it came to working on handwriting, but in the end, he said the sweetest thing to me. "Mommy, I love you because you told me I could do it! And now, I can!" His words just melted my heart, and reminded me yet again why I love teaching my children. It's not always easy, but it is so worth it!

This afternoon  I am going to work on lesson plans for next week, and on a notebook to organize my stuff for co-op. I LOVE lesson planning. :) We were going to go outside to draw with sidewalk chalk, but then a nasty storm came through, so that will have to wait until tomorrow.


17 August 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside my window... a nighttime sky. Oh, and silly moths that are insistent on flying into the window, over and over again. Why do they not realize after the 46th time that doing so will not get them into the light? Then again, perhaps there is a deeper question there. Why do we all insist on doing the same silly things over and over again, only to be frustrated with getting the same result?

I am thinking...  Wouldn't you like to know? ;)

From the learning rooms... Oh, oh, oh! We have a new school room and the boys are ever so excited! This week Jacob has been practicing counting to 100, and Jamie is totally enthralled by listening. Joe has mastered (ok, perhaps not mastered, but is working diligently) colors. Joshua is learning patience. Ok, well, he is supposed to be learning patience. He's really rather cute...

I am thankful for...  I have been tremendously blessed by the outpouring of love from my friends. They have been helping with meals while I am recovering from my back troubles, and I am just beyond blessed and thankful to have these ladies as friends. Thankful isn't nearly big enough of a word. I am humbled, I feel loved, and I am so, so blessed.

From the kitchen... the love of my wonderful friends.

I am wearing... denim skirt, lime green geometric print top, white cami, black cardigan.

I am reading... "Created to be His Help Meet" by Debi Pearl. (yes, AGAIN)

I am hoping... "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope." Romans 15:13

I am creating... yesterday Jacob and I made Alphabet posters.

I am praying... "Pray without ceasing." 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Around the house... the quietness of bedtime.

One of my favorite things... "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God." Colossians 3:16

A few plans for the rest of the week... mostly resting and school.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you..

With Love,

16 August 2010

Our New School Room

This weekend Rick and I were chatting and I told him how many of my friends had been sharing pictures of their school rooms as part of a "Not Back to School" blog carnival. As we were talking it kept coming up that it would be nice to have a dedicated school room again, and so we decided to convert our downstairs office (which wasn't getting much use) into a school room.

Here are the pictures of our new school room:

One of my friends had shared the link to these great Alphabet posters. Each letter poster has a verse that starts with that letter on it.  I loved the idea so much that I decided to make them to put on the wall behind the table.

On the main wall we have our white board, our "100 Days" chart and calendar, and Jacob's "Hooked on Phonics" progress chart, as well as our house guidelines.  

On that wall we also have our bookshelf with curricula, Bible Friends books, manipulatives, and crayons, basic art supplies, playdough, flashcards, and the printer.

On our big bookshelf we store all of the other various supplies. :)

No school room would be complete without the teacher's desk!


Back to School and Other Such Things

This morning we returned to school after a break this last month. The boys were so excited to do their lessons in the new school room!

Jamie has been learning to play on his blanket during school time. He loves being able to watch his brothers...especially when we sing!

The big boys loved doing activities at the school table today. I love watching them chat with each other, and work together on a puzzle or game.

On of my dear friends brought over lunch today. The boys had so much fun playing with her little ones, and I much enjoyed visiting with my friend.

This afternoon, while Jacob was looking through a book, he came across the story of Humpty Dumpty. We had the most funny of conversations!

Jacob: "Why would Humpty Dumpty sit on a wall? Everyone knows that that's not safe!"
Mommy: "That's a really good question, Jacob. I don't know why he did that."
Jacob: "Hey! That man is an egg!"
Mommy: "Yes he is. It's quite a funny story, isn't it?"
Jacob: "But Mommy, why did they glue him back together. Eggs are SUPPOSED to break."
Mommy: (chuckling) "Yes, but it's a pretend story, so they wanted to help him."
Jacob: "But we EAT eggs. They're supposed to break and then we cook them and eat them."
Ahhhh, what do you say to that, other than to smile?

My big helper wanted to help make dinner, so he peeled the potatoes. I love working together with him. :)


07 August 2010

Pool Party!

For Jacob's birthday he really wanted to have a party with his friends. He was so excited to have his friends over to swim and have cake! He was so cute...when his friends arrived with presents he was just so shocked and even more giddy. He kept saying, "My friends are bringing presents? Wow, this is so cool!" Everyone had a great time playing in the pool, and Daddy grilled yummy hamburgers and hot dogs for us all.

Since Jacob loves dogs so much, we picked a dog cake. He loved it!

Jacob's favorite part of the party was when everyone sang "Happy Birthday" to him. He just grinned from ear to ear
It was too cute watching him open gifts. He kept exclaiming, "I love it! I love it! I don't know what it is, but I LOVE it!"

Happy Birthday, sweet Jacob! I can't believe my baby boy is five!!!!


05 August 2010

Happy Birthday Jacob!

Five years ago today, the most amazing thing happened. A beautiful baby boy entered this world and forever changed my heart and my life forever. I knew from the minute I first looked into his eyes that he was someone incredibly special. It has been an amazing blessing to watch him grow and develop into this incredible person! I love you Jacob!
