29 April 2010

Story Time at the Library!

Today story time was all about ANTS!!!!! They read stories about ants, marched around as ants with tambourines and rhythm sticks, and even made an ants in the pants craft!

Joshua particularly loves the music part of story time. Joe enjoyed kinda sitting back and watching everyone else.

I love seeing the boys walk together holding hands...

 ...it's just the perfect image of "brotherhood"...


28 April 2010

Lunch with Friends

We went to Taco Bueno to have lunch with friends. They have 99 cent kid's meals on Wednesdays- and you just can't beat that! The boys always have too much fun when we get together. Joe thought it was rather hilarious to feed his friend cinnamon chips. I think by the time lunch was over, we had cinnamon sugar just about everywhere!


Wordless Wednesday


24 April 2010

The Playroom!

The playroom ended up very different than I had planned. Somehow, the boys (ah-hem, and Daddy ;)) convinced me that they needed a Cars themed playroom, LOL.

We chose "Blue Lightening" for the wall color. I loved that it was so vibrant and a very "happy" color- which in my mind is perfect for a playroom!

We ended up using my old sewing cart in the playroom for the mice's (guinea pigs) home. I was happy that it found a new purpose.

The boys love the Cars decals.

They were very excited for their new race car rug. How fun is that!

I plan to add a red valance to finish it off. I'm just happy to be able to make the boys happy with a playroom that they love!


The Big Boys' Room!

I have always really liked the bedding and decoratives we have for the big boys, so creating a room around them was so much fun!

I wanted to use bold, rich colors to set the tone. Since red is Jacob's favorite color, I wanted to be sure it was a main color in the room.  I liked this brown color because it just seemed like the perfect "lodge" feel. We chose "Ironwood" and " Red Hot" for the wall colors. The boys especially loved the foam paw prints and bears.

The only thing left to do is to add a small chair in the corner to finish off the reading area. Jacob loves his special "dog shelf" for his prized stuffed animals.

Joshua (Bear) loves that his room is bear themed.


The Little Boys' Room!

Here is Joe's bed. Oh he was so excited to have his new room! The smile on his face was priceless!!! One of his favorite things to do is sit and look out of the window, so we put his horse where he would have a good view!

Joe was excited to be sharing his new room with his little brother, Jamie. Jamie was pretty excited, too.

I wanted to do something a little creative with the paint colors. We chose "Blue Pearl" and "Cucumber Green" for the walls. We used them on opposing walls to add more interest. Our nursery theme is "Vintage Firetruck" by Wendy Bellissimo.

The little boys love their new space, and that really makes me happy. :)


21 April 2010

Wordless Wednesday


19 April 2010

Play Date at the Park

We went to a playdate at the local park with friends today. What a gorgeous day for playing at the playground!

After playing, the boys were BEGGING to go to the library, so we decided to go have lunch at McDonald's before heading to look at books. The local McDonald's is actually a nice place to have lunch. I've never been one to think about eating inside of a fast food place, but apparently it's rather common here! They have the nicest lady that works the dining room, the boys thought she was sweet. Jamie even got to try his first french dry...he liked it quite a bit!!!

We went to the library and checked out a humongous stack of books. I love that my boys love the library! I think they would have stayed all day if we could have! Jacob mentioned the idea of bringing school work to work on it there...I think it's a rather good idea!
