13 April 2010

A Lovely, Sunshiny Day!

We are having a lovely day today. How could we not with such beautiful weather?!

The boys had a great day of school today. Jacob was very eager and kept wanting to do "just one more page". Music to a teacher's ear!

Little Jamie loves to watch his brothers work at the table. I think he is in a hurry to be as big as them!

My lovely Prince Charming's bought me these pretty flowers while grocery shopping on Saturday. They are just so thoughtful!

After schoolwork was finished we decided to head outside and enjoy the sunshine. The boys loved blowing bubbles together! Joe squeeled in delight! Joshua was so happy to be sharing the bubbles with the creatures that live in the woods behind us. Jacob loved helping his brothers with blowing the bubbles. I think Jamie just enjoyed getting to be in the sunshine and watching the brothers, lol!

With Love,


  1. Do you think you guys could maybe be a little more perfect? JK- you have the most adorable family. You know what is such a blessing? You guys always seem happy. Not happy as in your smiling for the cameras, but you look like you are really that happy and we were just lucky enough to catch a glimpse of it in a picture. Thanks for sharing those pictures with us so we can be blessed by your family!
