24 April 2010

The Playroom!

The playroom ended up very different than I had planned. Somehow, the boys (ah-hem, and Daddy ;)) convinced me that they needed a Cars themed playroom, LOL.

We chose "Blue Lightening" for the wall color. I loved that it was so vibrant and a very "happy" color- which in my mind is perfect for a playroom!

We ended up using my old sewing cart in the playroom for the mice's (guinea pigs) home. I was happy that it found a new purpose.

The boys love the Cars decals.

They were very excited for their new race car rug. How fun is that!

I plan to add a red valance to finish it off. I'm just happy to be able to make the boys happy with a playroom that they love!



  1. All the rooms look fabulous! They really make me think that I need to DECLUTTER around here though. Too much stuff!!??!!
    Your boys make me miss mine though... almost 19 & 17 now and it is hard to believe that they are the same little boys who used to have a playroom. ENJOY these days -- they truly go by WAY too quickly!!! (and trust me: the girlfriends, driving, curfews, facebook, internet, and texting issues are NOT FUN!!) I would love a peaceful afternoon of building a train track or lego creation right now!!
    Have a wonderful day,
    Rebecca in Canada :)

  2. Thanks Rebecca! I know these days won't last long...it's hard to believe how fast they are growing up already!
