24 September 2008

Silly Hats for Silly Boys

With all the excitement over the fireman hats, the boys have a sudden interest in all sorts of hats. They have found endless entertainment from wearing the different hats that they have found and pretending to be everything from farmers to baseball players to puppy dogs in hats, bears in hats, policemen in hats, train drivers, and many, many others. Joshua's favorite is a ridiculous looking circus hat. The funniest part is that he has no idea that it is ridiculous. He wears it with such seriousness and a look of intense concentration. Could anything be cuter? Jacob is rather fond of his John Deere hat (which both he and Joshua are getting too big for, it must be time for a bigger hat :)) Joshua has sweetly tried to share his many hats with baby Joe, gently attempting to put them on his head. We have had much fun with hats!

With a Silly Grin :),

The Sweetest Things

It seems to me that some of the sweetest things in life are when little children are deliberately kind to one another. There have been so many little moments in the past few weeks that have just melted my heart.

Joshua "reading" stories to his little brother, Jacob sharing his favorite toy and his beloved "nap" with Joseph. The boys telling each other "Good Morning" when they wake up, and hugging each other good-night before bed. These moments fill our home with a warm sense of affection and love, and our days with joy.

And I'm not sure if there is any site more precious than that of a little child peacefully sleeping. So content, so comfortable and so at peace.

I cannot help but to be so in love with my boys. My husband and I were talking last night about how not that long ago Jacob was so little. When he was first learning to put sentences together he used to say the cutest things. When he didn't like what you were saying he would say "Don't say dat" or "That's not right", but he would say them in such a cute way it has hard to realize that he was talking back. Or how he always loved to look out of the "weeeeeeeendow" and how he loved "buppies" (puppies). And how he would climb out of bed and fall asleep right beside his door with his knees tucked up underneath him. We would have to try and wake him up from behind the door so that we could open it to carry him back to bed. And now, at three, he seems so much more grown up. He still comes out with cute ones though, last Saturday my husband had turned on the radio to see if he coud hear the scores of his favorite college football team's game and when they were listing the scores the mentioned the school Rutgers and Jacob thought that they had said "Ruffers" (which his favorite toy dog's name) He said "Ruffers is playing football, Daddy?" It was just too cute. I'm still not sure that he is convinced that they did not say Ruffers. Now as Joshua is entering that learning to really talk phase it is neat to hear how he tries so hard to talk "like Jake" (everything has to be "like Jake"). I love hearing him say new words and phrases in his deep, husky little voice. It is such a contrast to Jacob's higher, more dramatic tone. We always tease that somehow Joshua has ended up German. He always says things so forcefully and intense, and in a funny little way. He seems to add a lot of "tsk" and "ch" type sounds to his words. But he is as cute as can be. I wonder how Joseph will sound. Will he be as intense as Joshua, or as dramatic as Jacob, or will he be completely different? It won't be too long before he will tell us. I do look forward to hearing what he has to say! :)

In His Never Ending Sweetness,

A Neat and Tidy Pantry

In keeping with the theme of cleaning the kitchen, today I organized the pantry and cleaned out the refrigerator (my least favorite task:)-) But I do enjoy organizing! After straightening a few things the pantry looks less full, but I think that is because we have not been buying many pre-packaged foods. We are working through the last of the store bought items in the pantry and not going to be buying any more. Looks like I need to do some food preparations! :) Perhaps tomorrow on the last day of cleaning the kitchen I will use that time to restock the pantry with homemade items.

Happy Homemaking,

23 September 2008

Kitchen Cleaning Challenge

A few lady friends and I have decided to really focus in on cleaning the house over the next couple of weeks. We are starting with our kitchens, which I think is a lovely idea. The kitchen seems to set the tone for the entire house. It is the room which is used most frequently throughout the day, and likely is the easiest to become messy.

My Kitchen To-Do List:
1. Take all decoratives off of the counters and thoroughly clean counter tops.
2. Clean out side of oven and microwave.
3. Clean inside of oven and microwave.
4. Clean stove top.
5. Wipe down cabinet doors and drawers.
6. Polish refrigerator doors.
7. Clean out refrigerator.
8. Clean inside of refrigerator.
9. Polish sink faucets, give sink a good wipe down.
10. Dust decoratives.
11. Sweep.
12. Air out mats.
13. Mop.
14. Straighten towels and dishcloths drawer.
15. Straighten toys in the playpen, wipe everything down. (Yes, I have a playpen in the kitchen, our current kitchen is rather large and we spend a good deal of time in there, so it just makes sense :))
16. Wipe down garbage can and compost bin.
17. Wipe down baby walker.
18. Clean outside of dishwasher.
19. Wipe down blinds.
20. Enjoy my fresh clean kitchen! :)

I may not be able to get it all done as my little ones are a little, well, rambunctious today. But perhaps during nap I will have time to do a nice thorough cleaning of the kitchen. Singing my favorite hymns as I clean would make for a nice afternoon.
( I will add a picture once I am finished:))

Happy Homemaking,

18 September 2008

Homesteading, Sewing, and Candle Light Dinners

It feels like we are in such a time of growing, and that life is just full of new discoveries right now! We have really started down the path towards simple living, and this path seems so full of hope and the peace that comes with trusting God. We have no false illusions that this is going to be easy, but we do know that by leaning on God and trusting in His providence, that great good will come. To document our journey towards a life of homesteading and simple living my husband and I have created a blog, Happy Hearts Farm. ( http://happyheartsfarm.blogspot.com/) Here we will share the joys, trials and triumphs along the way.

I still have quite a bit of sewing to do. I have started working on a slip (from the other half of the sheet that I made my new apron from), and I have pieces cut for another dress. Yesterday I did a little mending on a few dresses, and I converted two short sleeve dresses into jumpers. I also mended a nightgown. I am also saving all of the scraps from things that I have sewn. The smaller scraps I am using for a quilt, many of the larger scraps I am using to make baby dresses (even though we do not have any little girls as of yet :)). I'd like to use the leftover material from my last dress to make a bonnet.

The children have been greatly enjoying our candle light dinners! It makes something as simple as a pot of chili seem extra special! Jacob said that it is beautiful, and it does add a peaceful atmosphere to the dinner table. I can't help but worry that Joshua (of course) might throw something and knock one over, but he is doing much better about understanding when it is time to be calm.:)

My husband said yesterday that I make the best chocolate chip cookies in the entire world. He asked me what I do that is so different than anyone else, and to be honest, I am not sure! I have made my cookies the same way for many years, and the recipe seems pretty basic to me, and yet these cookies are always so delicious. Even I must admit (humbly, of course :)) that these are by far my favorite cookies. I sent a batch to work with my husband earlier in the week, and now here at home there are only two left (and only briefly might I add, as I am quite sure they will not make it through the afternoon). Perhaps next time I send cookies to work, I will have to make even more!

I decided that I really like my new dress pattern. It is simple, and certainly not overly fancy, but it feels pretty, and it is easy to work in, and I always feel modest. I think I have finally found just the right pattern for my everyday dresses.

Happy Homemaking!

15 September 2008

Saturday Baking

Saturday was a busy day of baking and cooking. We made apple cheese pancakes, strawberry muffins, wheat crackers, whole wheat breakfast bars, chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting, and cinnamon raisin biscuits. Jacob particularly liked the cinnamon raisin biscuits! We ate them for breakfast Sunday morning. The crackers were a new recipe, I had not attempted to make crackers before. They turned out rather yummy, although next time I will try to make them thinner.

We are striving to replace all of the "convenience" foods that we buy with homemade alternatives. We have already cut down significantly by eliminating things such as cereal, store bought bread or cookies, and are now trying to expand to other foods. We plan to fill our freezer with casseroles and other things so that if we are for some reason in need of a quick meal, we have a homemade option ready.

We ran out of time to bake cookies on Saturday, but decided to bake them Sunday afternoon. We always have such a lovely time baking together, and such a fun time making a mess. Joshua loves to try to eat the flour (yuck!) and Jacob always wants to do the stirring. I know we are just baking cookies, but somehow it feels like we are creating something bigger. I hope that these moments are creating precious memories for our boys, and that they will always remember the joy of working together, as a family, and creating something together. I know that for now, while our sons are little, the things that we are creating are little, but perhaps someday they will become bigger.

We visited a lovely church on Sunday, and it was such a blessing! The families were so welcoming, and the sermon was great and very biblical, the boys had a wonderful time playing with the other children after the service. Jacob said that they were "very nice boys". We look forward to visiting again, it was truly a lovely experience.

A New Apron


"The principle use of Grandma's apron was to protect the dress underneath, but along with that, it served as a holder for removing hot pans from the oven; it was wonderful for drying children's tears, and on occasion was even used for cleaning out dirty ears. From the chicken-coop, the apron was used for carrying eggs, fussy chicks, and sometimes half-hatched eggs to be finished in the warming oven. When company came, those old aprons were ideal hiding places for shy kids; and when the weather was cold, grandma wrapped it around her arms. Those big old aprons wiped many a perspiring brow, bent over the hot wood stove. Chips and kindling-wood were brought into the kitchen in that apron. From the garden, it carried all sorts of vegetables. After the peas had been shelled, it carried out the hulls. In the fall, it was used to bring in apples that had fallen from the trees. When unexpected company drove up the road, it was surprising how much furniture that old apron could dust in a matter of seconds. When dinner was ready, Grandma walked out on the porch and waved her apron, and the men knew it was time to come in from the fields for dinner. It will be a long time before anyone invents something that will replace that old-time apron that served so many purposes."~ Author Unknown

I found that little passage a few years back, and I love reading about how aprons were once such a part of a homemaker's day. I love aprons, I have cooking aprons, and cleaning aprons, and a gardening apron. There's something about putting on an apron that just makes me feel ready to face the day.

This morning I made a new apron. I made this one from half of a top sheet from a set of twin sheets that we did not have a need for. ( I used the other half to cut pieces to make a slip). The boys "helped" me sew. Jacob loves to watch and ask a hundred questions :).

I found it neat to be able to take one thing, which did not have a purpose for us and turning it into something that I can use. And I still have the entire bottom sheet to use for something else!

In His Abounding Grace,

12 September 2008

A Rainy Day

It is a dreary rainy day outside, but around here, we don't mind. We tend to like these rainy days. The boys enjoy watching the rain outside the window, and we find the constant sound of the rain rather pleasant. It does seem to be a bit of a sedative though, so not so good for getting things done. Perhaps we will find the energy somehow :).

There's not too much on my to-do list today. I need to clean the "mouse" (guinea pigs) cage. I know it is time to clean it when they start screaming at me every time I walk by :). I have a little laundry to do, and a little straightening up. But the big item on my list is to work on my dresses.

Everyone is still a little under the weather, but getting better. Joshua is in a quiet mood today, which is rather unusual for him. He is upset about his firehat. It has been tearing for a few days now, and is pretty unwearable at this point. He doesn't seem to understand why. He's not quite old enough to grasp that it is in that condition because he was too rough in his treatment of it. We've been trying to explain this to him all along, but little Joshua just can't help himself. If it can be crushed, he will crush it. He's just all boy. He keeps looking at Jacob's hat, not understanding why his is still wearable. Jacob has been fiercely protective of his, he sure loves his firehat. This morning he asked if we could go back to the firestation sometime. He said he'd really like to see his fireman friend.

This morning Jacob "made" a birthday cake and some chocolate icecream. He said that his mama taught him how to be a good cooker on the counter. He was referring to the "helping" that he does when we bake. :) He really enjoys those moments, I will have to try and find more ways to let him "help" with other tasks. Oh my sweet boy.

It is turning out to be a quiet day around here, which is rather pleasant. Seems like the perfect day to do some much needed sewing. (and a little cleaning, too, of course:))

Rainy Day Blessings,

11 September 2008

My Brave Little Firemen

Ever since the accident the boys have been very fond of the fireman hats. They have worn them every day, pretending to be firemen and fire engines. Jacob is now "Firefighter Bob". We've even let him wear his hat at the table a few times (which is usually a big no-no). Pretending to be a fireman has it's benefits though. Firemen are good helpers, so all I need to do is remind Firefighter Bob of this and I have an immediate helper.

Unfortunately the fire hats are about worn out. Joshua has crushed his beyond repair, which isn't too great of a shock if you know Joshua. Jacob's has a little tear in it, but I have a feeling he will wear it until it is no longer possible.

It is nice that they now have such a respect for firemen. I am so thankful for the firemen who were so kind to our children. The situation could have been frightening for them, but because of those men, they have come away from it with a positive memory. May God bless these firefighters in the work that they do, and may He protect them from harm!

Under the Weather and Brotherly Love

We are all a little under the weather today. Nothing serious, just feels like a little virus or something. I cannot complain too much because my little ones like to cuddle when they don't feel well, so I am enjoying the chance to just sit and hold them. I knew that Jacob wasn't feeling well when he has been asking to go back to bed. They still manage to find the energy to play, and to argue (a little) over the only fireman hat that isn't crushed. (I don't think these hats were meant to be worn every day). But for the most part, everyone just wants to cuddle and look at books. It's a dreary day outside, which makes it a perfect day for cuddling up together under blanket and reading stories.

It seems that lately Jacob and Joshua have gotten closer. I have noticed them deliberately going off to play together, or laying side by side on Jacob's bed to look at books. I keep hearing them giggle together, or turn around to catch a glimpse of them hugging. For quite some time Jacob saw his little brother as a "baby", and wasn't really sure how to relate to him, but now suddenly he has become a playmate. Now that he is talking, and capable of keeping up with his brother, Jacob has found him to be a great friend. This makes me so happy, as I had hoped that they would become close. They have such different personalities that I wondered how they would ever relate to each other, but their differences seem to be overcome by a sweet brotherly love. Joshua has always looked up to Jacob and he tries to copy him in all that he does (this is sometimes a great thing, other times not so great :)). He has such a look of joy when Jacob wants to play with him, or gives him a big hug. I know it makes him so happy.

Jacob seems to have really matured lately. He has become so much more affectionate to both of his brothers. He wants to help if Joseph cries, and if he sees Joshua fall down, he runs over to hug him. "Will a hug make him feel better mommy?" he'll ask. I've seen him helping Joshua get down for a chair, or showing him how to do something. He is a good boy, and I know he has a good heart.

I have been amazed ever since Joseph was born at how truly sweet Joshua is! I honestly expected him to be jealous and yet his first reaction to seeing his baby brother was to hug him! He has never shown a hint of jealousy towards him, and has been nothing but sweet towards him. They are almost exactly a year apart, and I can tell that they will always be close. No one can make Joseph laugh like Joshua. His eyes light up whenever Joshua is around. Joshua kisses him whenever he gets an opportunity, and is always happy to play with him. I think he likes being the "big brother". He seems to really enjoy feeling like a big boy. He wants to be big "like Jake" as he always says. He's rambunctious, but he has the sweetest heart of anyone I know.

I look forward to seeing how Joseph's personality will develop. He is already such a good baby. We always tease about him being so "compliant". When you burp him if you just say "I need a burp" he just does it, as if on cue. He is so easy to make laugh, and he smiles every time he sees me. The way he looks at me makes me feel as if at least in his eyes I'm the most beautiful mommy in the world.

My Brave Little Firemen

Ever since the accident the boys have been very fond of the fireman hats. They have worn them every day, pretending to be firemen and fire engines. Jacob is now "Firefighter Bob". We've even let him wear his hat at the table a few times (which is usually a big no-no). Pretending to be a fireman has it's benefits though. Firemen are good helpers, so all I need to do is remind Firefighter Bob of this and I have an immediate helper.

Unfortunately the fire hats are about worn out. Joshua has crushed his beyond repair, which isn't too great of a shock if you know Joshua. Jacob's has a little tear in it, but I have a feeling he will wear it until it is no longer possible.

It is nice that they now have such a respect for firemen. I am so thankful for the firemen who were so kind to our children. The situation could have been frightening for them, but because of those men, they have come away from it with a positive memory. May God bless these firefighters in the work that they do, and may He protect them from harm!


10 September 2008

Trusting God

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." ~ Matthew 6:33

This is one of my favorite Bible verses. I love knowing that God has things under control. If we struggle then it is because He has allowed this struggle, and when we prosper, it is because He has given this prosperity to us. All we need to do is focus on following Him, and everything else is up to Him. This is not easy to remember when things feel stressful, but what a comfort to know that He does not need us to worry about all of the details. All He asks is that we focus on Him, and His will.

"And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:" ~Matthew 6:28.

If God cares so much for these flowers, how much more then does He care for His children?

This is not to say that we mustn't work, or provide for the things we need. God is not likely to come into the kitchen and bake the bread for me. But we do not need to sit around worrying about where to get the flour to bake that bread. God provides for us. Whether it be by giving you a great job opportunity, or having a complete stranger bring you a bag of food. We don't always know how God will provide, but the important thing is to trust that He will provide. He loves us so very much. He loves us so much that all He asks of us in return is to love Him. If we can just put our faith in Him, put all of our focus on obeying His will, we can rest safely in His promise that He will take care of us. We need not go to bed at night full of worry. God knows our concerns, and He already has a plan to provide for us.

09 September 2008

Getting Back to "Normal"

This weekend I worked diligently on putting together a new menu using a few new frugal recipes and our family favorites. (I will add the new menu to my homemaking site as soon as I have time) I also cut pieces to make two more dresses. I was able to use a length of fabric that was given to me by a friend for one of the dresses. A free dress, how very neat! I hope to have some time this afternoon to do a little sewing. I have been busy cleaning out my closet, and have decided to part with about 90% of what is in there. I have no need for so many clothes, so in the spirit of simplifying, I am pairing down. I would like to say that this was easy for me, but my human nature has a love of clothes, even if I don't wear them all. But, they are out of my closet now, and in a massive pile on the bedroom floor, ready to be sorted and added to our store inventory.

We also spent time this weekend getting our house back in order. Our routine has fallen apart a bit this last week, with all that has been going on. We are working to get things back into order, and back to "normal".

Tonight for dinner we are having pinto beans, rice, and cornbread. I love the smell of beans cooking. It fills the house with such a warm and comforting aroma. I don't know what it is about beans and rice mixed with a little mayonnaise and hot sauce that just tastes like home. Perhaps it is a Southern thing.