24 September 2008

The Sweetest Things

It seems to me that some of the sweetest things in life are when little children are deliberately kind to one another. There have been so many little moments in the past few weeks that have just melted my heart.

Joshua "reading" stories to his little brother, Jacob sharing his favorite toy and his beloved "nap" with Joseph. The boys telling each other "Good Morning" when they wake up, and hugging each other good-night before bed. These moments fill our home with a warm sense of affection and love, and our days with joy.

And I'm not sure if there is any site more precious than that of a little child peacefully sleeping. So content, so comfortable and so at peace.

I cannot help but to be so in love with my boys. My husband and I were talking last night about how not that long ago Jacob was so little. When he was first learning to put sentences together he used to say the cutest things. When he didn't like what you were saying he would say "Don't say dat" or "That's not right", but he would say them in such a cute way it has hard to realize that he was talking back. Or how he always loved to look out of the "weeeeeeeendow" and how he loved "buppies" (puppies). And how he would climb out of bed and fall asleep right beside his door with his knees tucked up underneath him. We would have to try and wake him up from behind the door so that we could open it to carry him back to bed. And now, at three, he seems so much more grown up. He still comes out with cute ones though, last Saturday my husband had turned on the radio to see if he coud hear the scores of his favorite college football team's game and when they were listing the scores the mentioned the school Rutgers and Jacob thought that they had said "Ruffers" (which his favorite toy dog's name) He said "Ruffers is playing football, Daddy?" It was just too cute. I'm still not sure that he is convinced that they did not say Ruffers. Now as Joshua is entering that learning to really talk phase it is neat to hear how he tries so hard to talk "like Jake" (everything has to be "like Jake"). I love hearing him say new words and phrases in his deep, husky little voice. It is such a contrast to Jacob's higher, more dramatic tone. We always tease that somehow Joshua has ended up German. He always says things so forcefully and intense, and in a funny little way. He seems to add a lot of "tsk" and "ch" type sounds to his words. But he is as cute as can be. I wonder how Joseph will sound. Will he be as intense as Joshua, or as dramatic as Jacob, or will he be completely different? It won't be too long before he will tell us. I do look forward to hearing what he has to say! :)

In His Never Ending Sweetness,


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