11 September 2008

My Brave Little Firemen

Ever since the accident the boys have been very fond of the fireman hats. They have worn them every day, pretending to be firemen and fire engines. Jacob is now "Firefighter Bob". We've even let him wear his hat at the table a few times (which is usually a big no-no). Pretending to be a fireman has it's benefits though. Firemen are good helpers, so all I need to do is remind Firefighter Bob of this and I have an immediate helper.

Unfortunately the fire hats are about worn out. Joshua has crushed his beyond repair, which isn't too great of a shock if you know Joshua. Jacob's has a little tear in it, but I have a feeling he will wear it until it is no longer possible.

It is nice that they now have such a respect for firemen. I am so thankful for the firemen who were so kind to our children. The situation could have been frightening for them, but because of those men, they have come away from it with a positive memory. May God bless these firefighters in the work that they do, and may He protect them from harm!


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