11 September 2008

Under the Weather and Brotherly Love

We are all a little under the weather today. Nothing serious, just feels like a little virus or something. I cannot complain too much because my little ones like to cuddle when they don't feel well, so I am enjoying the chance to just sit and hold them. I knew that Jacob wasn't feeling well when he has been asking to go back to bed. They still manage to find the energy to play, and to argue (a little) over the only fireman hat that isn't crushed. (I don't think these hats were meant to be worn every day). But for the most part, everyone just wants to cuddle and look at books. It's a dreary day outside, which makes it a perfect day for cuddling up together under blanket and reading stories.

It seems that lately Jacob and Joshua have gotten closer. I have noticed them deliberately going off to play together, or laying side by side on Jacob's bed to look at books. I keep hearing them giggle together, or turn around to catch a glimpse of them hugging. For quite some time Jacob saw his little brother as a "baby", and wasn't really sure how to relate to him, but now suddenly he has become a playmate. Now that he is talking, and capable of keeping up with his brother, Jacob has found him to be a great friend. This makes me so happy, as I had hoped that they would become close. They have such different personalities that I wondered how they would ever relate to each other, but their differences seem to be overcome by a sweet brotherly love. Joshua has always looked up to Jacob and he tries to copy him in all that he does (this is sometimes a great thing, other times not so great :)). He has such a look of joy when Jacob wants to play with him, or gives him a big hug. I know it makes him so happy.

Jacob seems to have really matured lately. He has become so much more affectionate to both of his brothers. He wants to help if Joseph cries, and if he sees Joshua fall down, he runs over to hug him. "Will a hug make him feel better mommy?" he'll ask. I've seen him helping Joshua get down for a chair, or showing him how to do something. He is a good boy, and I know he has a good heart.

I have been amazed ever since Joseph was born at how truly sweet Joshua is! I honestly expected him to be jealous and yet his first reaction to seeing his baby brother was to hug him! He has never shown a hint of jealousy towards him, and has been nothing but sweet towards him. They are almost exactly a year apart, and I can tell that they will always be close. No one can make Joseph laugh like Joshua. His eyes light up whenever Joshua is around. Joshua kisses him whenever he gets an opportunity, and is always happy to play with him. I think he likes being the "big brother". He seems to really enjoy feeling like a big boy. He wants to be big "like Jake" as he always says. He's rambunctious, but he has the sweetest heart of anyone I know.

I look forward to seeing how Joseph's personality will develop. He is already such a good baby. We always tease about him being so "compliant". When you burp him if you just say "I need a burp" he just does it, as if on cue. He is so easy to make laugh, and he smiles every time he sees me. The way he looks at me makes me feel as if at least in his eyes I'm the most beautiful mommy in the world.


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