This morning we returned to school after a break this last month. The boys were so excited to do their lessons in the new school room!Jamie has been learning to play on his blanket during school time. He loves being able to watch his brothers...especially when we sing!
The big boys loved doing activities at the school table today. I love watching them chat with each other, and work together on a puzzle or game.
On of my dear friends brought over lunch today. The boys had so much fun playing with her little ones, and I much enjoyed visiting with my friend.
This afternoon, while Jacob was looking through a book, he came across the story of Humpty Dumpty. We had the most funny of conversations!
Jacob: "Why would Humpty Dumpty sit on a wall? Everyone knows that that's not safe!"
Mommy: "That's a really good question, Jacob. I don't know why he did that."
Jacob: "Hey! That man is an egg!"
Mommy: "Yes he is. It's quite a funny story, isn't it?"
Jacob: "But Mommy, why did they glue him back together. Eggs are SUPPOSED to break."
Mommy: (chuckling) "Yes, but it's a pretend story, so they wanted to help him."
Jacob: "But we EAT eggs. They're supposed to break and then we cook them and eat them."
Ahhhh, what do you say to that, other than to smile?My big helper wanted to help make dinner, so he peeled the potatoes. I love working together with him. :)
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