16 August 2010

Our New School Room

This weekend Rick and I were chatting and I told him how many of my friends had been sharing pictures of their school rooms as part of a "Not Back to School" blog carnival. As we were talking it kept coming up that it would be nice to have a dedicated school room again, and so we decided to convert our downstairs office (which wasn't getting much use) into a school room.

Here are the pictures of our new school room:

One of my friends had shared the link to these great Alphabet posters. Each letter poster has a verse that starts with that letter on it.  I loved the idea so much that I decided to make them to put on the wall behind the table.

On the main wall we have our white board, our "100 Days" chart and calendar, and Jacob's "Hooked on Phonics" progress chart, as well as our house guidelines.  

On that wall we also have our bookshelf with curricula, Bible Friends books, manipulatives, and crayons, basic art supplies, playdough, flashcards, and the printer.

On our big bookshelf we store all of the other various supplies. :)

No school room would be complete without the teacher's desk!



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