08 July 2008

Just Another Crazy Day

Can you believe that I am STILL hearing about the lemonade incident???? “Be careful Mommy, don’t spill it again!” “Mommy always spills the lemonade” “Mommy it’s not good to spill it” Jacob just won’t let it go. I suppose eventually I will do something else that will distract his attention…

We figured out that Frannie does indeed have a quirk (how could she be a part of our family without at least some degree of quirkiness, although we had to know there was something. She did stalk us through the windows for six months…). Frannie likes to attack feet. She pounces from out of no where and bites our feet. She only seems to do it when she wants something, but it is so crazy. Other than that she is a wonderful cat. And who doesn’t like to have their feet eaten by a crazy cat?

My husband forgot his lunch this morning and he thought about asking me to bring it to him. But then he realized that it would cost more in gas than it would for him to just buy his lunch. That is just crazy! We recently figured out that it costs us $8 just to drive to Wal-mart. Which means it costs considerably more than that for us to drive to Mass! I never thought much about gas prices. But before we moved here my husband was driving 150 miles a day, just to commute to work. And as gas prices skyrocketed, we began to pay attention.

It’s been so busy around here (isn’t it always?). I have been trying to get my recipes added to www.proverbs31homemaking.com, but it is taking a while because there are so many. I have notebooks full of ideas and recipes and tips so I think it will be a work in progress for quite some time.

I started painting a set of plaster trains for Jacob’s birthday. He still loves trains, and he loves things that I make, so it seemed like a perfect combination. We had a train birthday party last year, and I kinda thought that he would have moved on by now, but he just loves trains. He gets to see so many real trains around here. Just about every time we go anywhere we see at least one. And on the way to Mass we drive right past a train station, and he can see them right up close.

Anyway… It is so pretty outside today. And the boys are all being pleasant, so that makes for a pretty good day.


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