25 July 2008

Beautifully Frugal

Many times frugal equals simple. But it doesn’t always have to. One example of this can be our dining room table.

For instance paper napkins are obviously not a frugal choice, but sometimes cloth napkins can get pricey (especially if you are having to purchase enough for a large family and use them at every meal) So why not make some? It is a very simple project even if you have limited sewing skills. One thing I have done is to look for bed sheets at thrift stores and garage sales that are the right colors or patterns to match my dining room. I just cut them into squares ( i used a purchased cloth napkin to get the size) and then hem around the edges. Even just one sheet makes a ton of napkins.

Another frugal yet beautiful touch are pretty serving trays. I have found pretty silver look trays at the dollar store, or even garage sales and thrift stores. They may not be high quality, but they look pretty on the table. I arrange fresh fruit or vegetables on them and it makes for a beautiful breakfast or lunch table. Also look for pretty glass pitchers or bowls. You can mix and match your finds and create a gorgeous table for very little cost.


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