25 July 2008

Cat Food is Non-Toxic, Right?

Every time I go anywhere someone always feels the need to tell me that I must be busy. It always feels a little strange because I know so many people that have much larger families, or wilder children, or a million other reasons that they must be “busier” than me, but I suppose they are right. My boys do keep me busy, each in their own unique way.

Joshie, Joshie, Joshie. What more do I need to say? A friend of mine recently said that it seems that the wildest, most awnry ones also seem to be the sweetest, and that God must have done that on purpose! That sums up Joshua in a nutshell. I have never seen a child so full of trouble and yet so incredibly sweet. It’s not that Joshua misbehaves per say, it’s just that he is so full of endless curiosity and rambunctious energy that he just can’t help himself. He sees something new and interesting and he just has to touch it. He sees a closed door and he just has to open it and see what is on the other side. And he does everything at full speed, so everything is loud and fast. He is just all boy. My husband commented yesterday that he even takes large strides when he walks. It’s as if he is in such a hurry to get where he’s going that he doesn’t have time for short strides. He keeps me constantly on my toes, every time I blink I think “Uh-oh, where’s Joshie?” He disappears every time I turn my back and I find him eating cat food, or emptying the kitchen cabinets or climbing on something. I can’t even tell you how many times a day I feel like he’s going to give me a heart attack by doing something wild and crazy. (This morning I turned around to see him put a handful of carfood into his mouth, ick!) On the other hand, I have never seen such a sweet child. No one gives as good of hugs as our Joshie-Bear, and he is so unselfish (which is so unusual at his age). He is so sweet to his little brother, and he looks up to Jacob with such adoration.

Jacob keeps me busy as well, but in a completely different way. He is so bright and observant, and he likes to talk about everything. Every little detail of everything he sees and hears. And he wants to know why. He doesn’t just want to know that the food is on the table, he wants to know how it got there and where it came from. And he remembers everything. He constantly will recall something from many months ago in perfect detail, and I have try and think about what he is referring to. He constantly amazes me!

And my little Joe. (He’s such a little guy to be called Joe. Joe seems like a grown up name, but Jacob is just absolutely insistent on calling him Joe.) He also keeps me busy, but who could possibly complain? He loves to be cuddled and kissed, and he will laugh at just about anything. Changing his diaper is apparently hilarious. So is getting dressed, and picking him up, and anything Joshua does. Even just talking to him cracks him up. He must have some sense of humor. His laugh is unbelievably contagious, and his smile could light up the whole room.

So yes, I am “busy”, but who wouldn’t want to be busy with all this fun?

Blessedly Busy,


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