06 March 2006

Getting Settled

Wow, we have been busy! We moved on the 28th of February. We filled up the movers truck plus three loads in the U-haul. Mom was a huge help with Jacob!

The people we bought the house from where so difficult to deal with during moving. They didn't have everything out by the time we got there, they weren't very nice at all, and they didn't turn over all the keys. And we quickly discovered that the air conditioner and one of the showers were broken. It is going to cost us $500 to fix the air conditioner and Rick is having to change out all of the locks.

Jacob is holding his own bottle! What a big boy. He can also roll onto his tummy now. He is getting so big! I am finishing his room today. He has been sleeping in the family room because of needing to finish the paint in his room. I had hoped to get it all done ahead of time, but it just didn't work out.

Princess loves the new house. She likes everything being on one level, and she really loves going outside.

I have gotten a lot done in Jacob's room. I got all of his clothes put away, and all of his books and toys. His room is adorable! I also worked on the family room, I got Rick's chair set up for him and a lot of the books unpacked. I think I unpacked 15 boxes, on top of painting Jacob's bookshelf, cleaning the oven and taking care of Jacob. I have been pretty busy but there is still so much to do. I need to get our bedroom painted because it is driving Rick crazy (I must admit it is rather ugly)

Things are coming together. The house is just so cute!


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