Oh the silliness that is sometimes my world…
There are times where it feels like the boys have won. I should just throw my hands in the air, forget about living a quiet, polite, civilized life and just join in on the craziness, accept that mashed bananas is probably an excellent hair and skin treatment, that the smell of hot dogs is attractive, that sticky hands and spilled drinks will happen no matter what preventative measures I take, and sleepiness is not an entirely bad thing. After all, if you are sleepy enough, you may just forget that you smell like soy milk and hot dogs and that you are drinking your fourth cup of ice cold coffee (oh, is coffee not supposed to be cold?)
Yes, there are days where I feel like pulling all of my hair out, but wait, I can’t remember…did I do that already?
I can tell when I am having one of those days because Jacob will usually say something along the line of, “But I don’t drink bottles Mommy” as i realize that I just tried to hand him Joseph’s bottle.
But seriously, most of our days are really good. The boys are usually so well behaved, and Joseph is such a happy and content baby, and our day tends to run rather smoothly. So sometimes we just have to laugh, and just remember that tomorrow is always another day.

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