25 June 2008

Mary Alden's Eight Steps to a Clean Kitchen

I read this somewhere years ago, and now I cannot remember where I got it from. But I have found it helpful in keeping a tidy kitchen. ( I tend to be a messy cook;) )

1. Before you start cooking, set out everything you will need, including cooking utensils, and food, in front of you.
2. As soon as you are through with each cooking tool, rinse and leave it in the sink.
3. As soon as you are through with each food that you are using, put it back where you got it. Don’t ever wait until you are all through to do these things.
4. When your recipe is finished, make sure that your pots and pans, bowls and spoons are soaking in the sink.
5. Take a damp cloth and wipe off all places where you worked so that no crumbs or specks of food are left about.
6. Check the floor for spots and crumbs and wipe them up, too.
7. Now wash the pots and pans and other cooking tools that you left soaking. Dry them and put them away.
8. Review the kitchen, if it looks neat and clean, you are done!

Happy Homemaking!


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