13 June 2008

Thoughts on Homeschooling

I know we are still in the preschool years, but homeschooling has already become an important part of our family’s life. We are dedicated to teaching our children, and their education is very important to us, even at such a tender young age.

There have been so many positives from beginning school. It gives us structured time in our day where we are spending direct, focused time together. It even seems like the boys behave better, probably because of the structure. I feel like I am challenged to become more efficient, to keep my mind sharp, and to develop my patience. It seems like our whole family is just more focused.

Jacob is such an eager little student, he seems to soak up new information like a sponge. He can be such a joy to teach. He just can’t wait to get into the school room every morning. All during breakfast he will talk about, “What are we going to do in school today?”

It is such an amazing feeling when he starts showing that he understands what I have been teaching him. It is so neat to know that I had a part in him learning new things.

I can only imagine that homeschooling becomes even more interesting, rewarding and challenging as the years go by.


  1. I agree!I enjoy the thirst for knowledge that these little ones display.Mine are 2 and 3 eyars old, turning 3 and 4 this year.
