30 June 2008

The First Bandaid

My careful little Jacob, who never gets hurt, finally had a need for a band-aid. I bought a box of “Hotwheels” band-aids probably a year and a half ago ( I figured that if you have a need for a band-aid then you might need a fun band-aid to make it special), and it has been just sitting in our medicine cabinet just waiting for such an occasion.

Don’t worry- it’s nothing serious. He didn’t really need a band-aid at all . But he really felt like he did, so I indulged him.

Apparently Jacob has a little hangnail. At first he thought it was a piece of fuzz or something stuck to his thumb and he wanted me to clean it off. I explained to him that it was just a little piece of skin, and he was like, “like an owie?” and I said sure. Then he proceeded to tell me that it hurt just oh so much and he stood there with the saddest look on his face. He said “do something mommy to make it better”. So I brought out the band-aids that had just been waiting for this moment, kissed his “owie” and bandaged it up.

For the rest of the day he wouldn’t use that hand for anything, and took every opportunity to ask me to kiss it. He couldn’t wait for Daddy to get home, so that he could kiss it too.

His band-aid fell off last night while he was sleeping, so this morning he wanted me to put another one on. He couldn’t remember which thumb it was that was hurt, hehe. It must be hurting terribly bad.


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