03 June 2008

A Bear in a China Shop

Yes, I know. The saying is “a bull in a china shop”. But whoever came up with that saying did not know my Joshua.

How would I describe Joshua? He is the sweetest, most tenderhearted and affectionate person I know…as long as he’s happy.:) And when he’s not happy? Well, that is when the bear in him comes out.

Joshua has always been our little bear. He actually prefers to be called a bear. He loves to have “bear” feet (that child will not leave shoes or socks on for any reason period). He loves to growl like a bear. And when you tell him he is a bear, he lights up with an adorable grin.

Joshua is all boy. He could not be more different than his big brother. Jacob has always been rather cautious. He never climbed on anything, or jumped off of anything. If you told him not to open a cabinet or a drawer, he listened. He asks before trying something new. He wants to hold my hand in the store. Joshua, well, not so much. He climbs everything, tries to get down from whatever he has climbed… headfirst. He opens every cabinet he can get to, empties every drawer, throws stuff, bangs stuff and makes as much noise as possible while doing all of the above. I have never seen so much testoserone in one little person! He is my little bear in a china shop.

But the cutest part? Put him anywhere near his baby brother and he just melts. He wants to hug him and kiss him. He just loves his little brother. Put him anywhere near an animal, and he is as gentle as can be. He talks in his sweet soft voice and will sit calmly and pet it for as long as the animal will let him.

And he will wait so patiently for his turn when big brother Jacob gets to do something first. He always wants to share whatever he has, and he gives the absolute best bear hugs ever.


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