23 June 2008

Family Update and Rice Cereal

Little Joseph had his first “real food” yesterday! All of our boys have wanted to start eating solid foods around four months, and he had gotten to the point of getting frustrated when we were eating, so it seemed like the right time to introduce it to him. He had rice cereal, and loved it! He really liked sitting in the highchair at the table. I was surprised at how well he could sit in it! True to form, he smiled the whole time, so it was just too cute.

The big boys liked having Joseph at the table, and Jacob thought it was pretty neat that he was eating. Joshua was a little jealous, I think he felt like Joseph was sitting in his chair. He seems to be stuck between wanting to be a big boy and missing being a baby. But at least he is at an age where he can really have it both ways.

Jacob seems to be suddenly growing up so fast. He’s always been smart for his age, but lately it seems like he is just picking up on things around him even faster. He seems to suddenly be more coordinated and able to do so much more. He is such a neat child, it is really so amazing to watch him as he soaks in new information every day.


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