13 June 2008

Homeschooling Notebook

Since I posted about our home management notebook, and our shopping and budget notebook, I thought I might as well write about our homeschooling notebook.

Even though our children are still in preschool, and we are not required to keep records, we thought it was a good idea to get into the right habits now.

Again, like the other two notebooks, I keep a clip on the front to hold whatever I may be working on. In this book, for the decorative papers I used vintage children’s prints.

The first divider is “Information” which contains a checklist of preschool skills, and a list of important websites.

The second divider has “Rules and Guidelines”.

The third divider is “School Calendar”. I use a highlighter to color code our calendar with school holidays, religious holidays and other days off. I have a yearly calendar, and then monthly calendars.

The fourth divider is “Attendance”. Here I mark each day that we did school. There is a sub-divider for each child that is in “school”.

The fifth divider is “Goals”, again sub-divided for each child.

The sixth divider is “Lists”. Here we keep book lists, library lists (lists of books checked out from the library and dates to be returned) lend/borrow lists (to keep track of books that we have lent out), etc…

The seventh divider is “Field Trips”, where we log our field trips; Their objectives, cost, location and date.

The eighth divider is “Lesson Plans”, again sub-divided for each child.

The ninth divider is “Journaling”. Here I can take notes, or jot down things I need to log, or ideas that pop up. Sometimes I may need to write a reminder to myself about a skill that needs to be worked on further, or anything like that.

The tenth divider is “Daily Logging Sheets”, where I log the time spent on each activity or subject, and the grade for each. Again this section is sub-divided for each child.

The eleventh section is “Transcripts” ( again sub-divided).

The twelfth section is “Notes”.

And lastly, I have a section for “Forms”, where I store blank copies of any of the forms I use in my notebook.


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