24 June 2008

My Little Wild Man

It amazes me how different two brothers can be…

So far we haven’t had to deal with much that comes along with having boys. No trips to the emergency room, no scraped knees, we haven’t had any precious family heirlooms broken…nothing. But somehow I have a feeling that is all about to change.

Joshua is just all boy, all the time. Yesterday I had to pull him off of the crib because he had climbed up the outside and was hanging on to the top. I think he may have been trying to get in. But who knows, I really don’t understand the way that boys think. He’s constantly getting off of Jacob’s bed head first, and I have this sinking feeling that it is only a matter of time before he figures out how to climb up to the top bunk. He is just so wild! Every time I turn around he has disappeared and is getting into something else. And he is a fast little guy. He definitely keeps me on my toes.

The other day he nearly pulled the “mouse” cage onto the floor. He was probably just trying to get closer to them or something. He has figured out that he can use other things like big toys or pillows to climb higher.

Now I know we are in trouble!

Joshua recently got a hold of a marker and colored all over the floor! That is another thing that Jacob has never done. He always colors where he is supposed to. But Joshua managed to put several large stains on the school room carpet in a matter of seconds. Perhaps he was trying to be creative? Who am I kidding, I think he has an inborn need to be destructive. But at least he’s really cute while doing it, right?


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