05 June 2008

"I Bigger Now?"

My Joshua is growing up (”he’s bigger now?” asks Jacob). He recently made the move from highchair to booster seat at the table. Now, this may not seem like a big deal to some, but to Joshua it was like hitting the big time. He is just so pleased with himself. He looks up to his big brother so much, and to get to do something just like Jacob, well, that is a big deal. It is funny how feeling like a big boy has actually helped him to act more like a big boy. When he sat in the highchair at least half of his food ended up on the floor (this is pretty conservative estimate by the way, I’m sure at times more made it to the floor than in his mouth). But now, he is making less mess, and actually attempting to use manners. It is pretty neat.

The other night as we were saying our evening prayers with the boys before bed, Joshua kneeled down and folded his hands. It was just for a moment, but it was so precious. I know that before we know it, he will be saying his prayers along with us.

It is amazing to watch your children as they grow and conquer each new milestone. When they have a victory, it feels like in some small way, it is my victory too. It is so special to get to share in their triumphs and to be there when they fall down as well.


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