29 July 2009

Story Time at the Library

Today's theme was all about dancing, so they had the children make the craft first- hula skirt! I wasn't sure how Jacob would feel about wearing a hula skirt, but he actually thought it was fun. They had several songs with dance movements, and stories about dancing, and then a funny short film about a giraffe who danced. The boys particularly enjoyed dancing around with scarves. Joshua had a blast and was surprisingly social- mingling with quite a few toddlers (one of which thought his shoes were pretty awesome, lol)

After story time we decided to take some time and look for books. Jacob found a HUGE (like 500 pages) book of Thomas the Tank Engine stories, which he is THRILLED about. So we just arrived home with a tote bag full of books, and Jacob can't wait to sit down with his!



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