Outside my window...rain and thunderstorms. AGAIN. I know I mentioned just last week that it seems like it is always raining on Tuesdays...how odd...
I am thinking... I have a lot on my mind this morning...I'm a little frustrated about something...something that is probably a small and silly thing, but it has frustrated me nonetheless. I'm trying to decide the best way to handle the situation, but I HATE confrontation.
From the learning rooms... the library has become the boys favorite place. They even pretend "going to the library" and have pretend library cards. I think that Jacob would happily sit at the tables there and look through books all day. My kind of kid...
I am thankful for... a big closet. LOL. I really need to get mine organized (yes I am STILL working on that), but I am thankful to have my own closet. It's just one of those luxuries that feels sooooo nice. I saw this adorable closet on a show on HGTV the other day where she painted it hotpink and hung one of those little chandeliers in it....now THAT would be cool...
From the kitchen... I am thinking a casserole. That way, if we are going to the homeschool meeting I have something to take, and if we aren't, then I have a casserole for dinner tonight.
I am wearing... khaki wide legged cropped pants, a pink tee, and a white cardigan with pink and black stripes in it.
I am reading... The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
I am hoping... that the boys will have a quiet day, and that I hear back from the lady about the get-together this evening for the homeschool group (trying not to let that one frustrate me because it's sort of a pet peeve of mine), that I can get a few things done around the house today...
I am creating... I haven't been doing a whole lot of creating lately, it just keeps feeling like there are too many other things to be done. However, I do need to get my scrapbooking rolling organizer out and set up because I am actually going to a crop on Friday evening. Wahoo!
I am praying... I am praying for a sweet friend whose pregnancy and impending adoption has really been on my heart lately. I am also praying that I can overcome feeling so tired with this pregnancy. I have so much to do, and with the upcoming school year, and other activities, life is getting busy. I just need to find a new routine for getting everything done.
Around the house... laundry, laundry, laundry. Oh, did I mention that I have some laundry to do?
One of my favorite things... cuddling with Oliver at night, wearing pink (especially on a gray, dark day), and, of course, coffee.
A few plans for the rest of the week... Possibly going to the mall for icecream and playing at the fountains with a mom's group (although with the weather I am just not sure), maybe a homeschool meeting (if I here back with the information in time), Tomorrow we have story time at the library, and Friday evening I am going to a crop.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...Can you believe that this little guy is my bear...just one short year ago? It is hard to believe how fast they grow. As we are preparing for the arrival of our precious new blessing, it is so neat for me to go back and look at pictures of the other boys. This one is neat because Joshua looks so much like he does now, only much smaller, LOL.
My daughter painted her closet hot pink and has a disco ball in there. It's fun to go in there, close the door and spin the ball...