27 July 2009

Not Me Monday

I do not have an addiction to coffee, and have not mentioned said non-existent addiction to coffee nearly every day recently because it is constantly on my mind. I would NEVER consume large (well, does 3 cups count as "large" anyway?) quantities of said coffee everyday, especially with being pregnant.

I have not suddenly started chewing gum constantly (Orbit Maui Melon Mint gum, to be specific) because I do not think that chewing gum is very ladylike or polite and would never be caught dead doing so in public. I also did not purchase the first pack of said chewing gum because the colors on the package were "pretty".

I have not gone to bed with the house a mess everyday in the last week because I am an AWESOME housekeeper and would never be able to sleep at night knowing that the house was not in order. (WAIT- is THAT why I am having trouble sleeping lately????)

I did not hear from my midwife that I very likely have gestational diabetes again and then immediately start craving cheese danish. Ughhhhhhh.

I would never tell my son that icecream bars are only for mommies.

I am not waiting until the last possible minute before we have to leave to get the boys dressed because they are always dressed and ready to go first thing in the morning.

I have not lost my mind because clearly that happened some time ago and you can't lose what is already lost, right? Hey, wait a minute, that is good news, right? If I have already lost my mind then I do not have to worry about that anymore, lol.

Blessings From Crazy Land,


  1. Ice Cream bars are only for mommies?! I LOVE IT! I'm going to have to try that on my kids....
