24 November 2009

Proverbs 31:12

She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life

One of the reasons Proverbs 31:10-31 was written, no doubt, was to help guide men in finding the right kind of wife. The key to finding the right woman, is to look to the Lord in prayer and steadfast trust so that God Himself might be the One who finds her.
And what is the right kind of wife? A wife who will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.

The virtuous woman gives to her husband that which is good. She gives to him and serves him that which is good and not evil. She wants only God's highest and best for him. Her life and her deeds are a constant BENEFIT to her husband, and a BLESSING.

How do we give that which is good to our husband? What can we do to bring constant benefit and blessing to him? There are so many little ways that add up to our husbands being blessed by us as wives. Here are a few of the things that wives can do to bring good to our husbands:

*Waking up with (or before) him in the morning to see him off to work with a good breakfast.
*Having a warm lovingly prepared meal ready when he arrives home.
*Having his clothes washed, and ironed so that everything is ready for him.
*Striving to maintain a peaceful atmosphere in the home so that he is not over burdened by things in the evenings.
*Not complaining to him about how he is providing for the family (to husbands this can be the most demoralizing thing that wives do, on the other hand, when we reassure him that we are content with whatever provides, this gives him confidence and makes him feel worthy as a husband.)
*Showing him that we take care the home he provides by keeping it neat and tidy.
*Not nagging him...ever.
*Showing compassion and understanding for the difficulties that he faces as the leader of the household.

And what does the phrase "all of the days of her life" mean? In doing good to her husband the wife is consistent. She doesn't serve him that which is good one day and that which is evil the next day. Her husband can count on her to do him good and to be a blessing to him. He can count on her to do this today, five days from now, one year from now, ten years from now, all the days of her life. She is not up and down, hot and cold. Her godliness is marked with consistency.



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