09 November 2009

Not Me Monday

The back story:

For Jamie's first morning feeding, I put him in bed with me and we cuddle as he eats. This is our special time together when the rest of the house is quiet. Usually he drifts off to sleep, but I need to get up and start my day. So I sneak out of bed, put pillows on either side of him so there's no chance he can somehow roll of our bed (as if a newborn could roll from the middle of a king sized bed...)

So, on to my "Not Me Monday"...

I did not lose my newborn son...
I did not go upstairs to get Jamie up, walk over to my bed and start having a panic attack because he was GONE. I did not frantically start searching around, looking under the bed and nearly break out crying. I did not then hear him make that adorable squeaky baby grunt he does as he wakes up, then turn around to see him safely laying in his cradle. I would NEVER forget where I put my precious son...

I did not eat a piece of candy in front of the boys and then tell them they could not have one because we don't eat candy for breakfast. I also did not tell them that all the Butterfingers were for Mommy. They also did not simply accept these things from me because they are used to it.

I did not decide to make a Holiday Planning notebook and then print everything in black and white JUST so I'd have an excuse to color. Nope, not me.

I am so glad that I am a perfect example of motherhood...HA. At least it is therapeutic to laugh at yourself, and I certainly give myself plenty of opportunities for laughing!



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