03 June 2010

A Response to "Anonymous"

I have had a lot on my mind lately. There is this person out there, someone I used to know, who seems intent on trying to make me feel as if I do not deserve the life that I have. Truthfully, I feel more sad for this person than anything else. I find it sad that anyone would be so preoccupied with someone's life, when they don't even know me at this point. It is sad that they cannot be content enough with their own life to just accept that mine is happy. If they truly believe that if something horrific happens in your life that you are never allowed happiness, then my heart breaks for them. They will surely face a difficult life with that sort of outlook.

Here is my response to you, Anonymous:

I have a fantastic life. I don't feel guilty that God has chosen to bless my life in the ways that He has. I feel grateful.

My life is what it is. Years ago, when tragedy struck, I had two choices. 1. Allow horrible circumstances to destroy my life at such a young age. 2. Rebuild my life and make the best of bad circumstances. I chose the second. My life has turned out wonderfully. I took imperfect circumstances and chose to be happy anyway.

The nice thing about my life is that it is MY life. It doesn't have to work for you. You don't have to like it. You don't have to care about me, you don't have to agree with me, and you don't get to be involved.

You can continue to send anonymous messages (although, is it really so anonymous if I know who you are?) but it will not change anything. My friends know that my life has not been perfect. Those who need to know the details, do.

You aren't going to intimidate me into feeling bad about my life. A person can say whatever they would like, but the truth of how you live always shows itself in the fruit. I don't spend my time worrying about whether or not you approve. I spend my time raising my family.

You can choose to continue to harass me. Or you can choose to act like an adult. It's your decision.


  1. Melly, I have known you for what 3 years now. Through thick and thin. I do not claim to know your entire life, I do not need to. What I have found is that i can tell you something without fear of being judged. that i could call you anytime and you would do all you do to help me. It drives me batty when people say things but will not be brave enough to say who they are. i am sorry you are getting these messages. This person oviously needs some peace in there own life.

  2. Thanks Pam. You know that I feel the same way. I am so thankful to call you "friend".

  3. You are an amazing woman. I've been following your blog for years and you are phenomenal. You have to make your own life. We all have crap in our lives. Every one of us. To say that having crap means you cant be happy now is more than absurd. You do deserve happiness. Look around you, look at your family. The kind of person you are shows.
    ~Sara M.~

  4. You don't have any obligation to share every bad thing in your world. You are loved and respected. Your happiness shows in your writing, in your pictures, in the faces of your beautiful family. The goodness in your heart is apparent in everything you say. I'm sorry for whatever tragedies your family had to go through, but whatever hardships you went through, you've obviously come out of as a strong person.

  5. seriously, why do people do those things? it is unfortunate that so many folks can focus on negative and work, and i do mean work, to bring other people down. God has blessed you and I think it is wonderful that you take the time to share your blessings with others. God doesn't want us to keep them to ourselves. HE wants us to share the joy of being one of HIS! take heart that the folks who follow your blog, in the spirit that it is written, appreciate your words. God bless!!!

  6. Very well said. Nice article. I'll be sure to follow.

  7. Trudy, thank you for your words of encouragement- they were such a blessing to me!

    Joshua- Thank you!

  8. Ack - I had a really great post, but Google goggled and messed it up! Anyway, folks like your "anonymous poster" need to be prayed for I know, but I really dislike those who try to steal others' joy. Blech! Just remember that you are such a blessing to so many people.

    Big Hugs!

  9. Connie, I so appreciate your sweet words! I know that you are totally right, and that praying for this person is the right answer. Not the easy answer, but the right one.
