08 June 2010

It Is What It Is

"It is what it is" is a favorite saying of my darling husband. He says it all the time. It kinda drives me crazy, to be perfectly honest. Sometimes I don't like that answer, and I want to understand why things are what they are. Just saying that they are isn't enough- if ya know what I mean.

But sometimes things just are what they are. There really isn't a better answer. It's sort of like "life's not fair". My dad used to say that one, and yep, it drove me crazy, too.

It is what it is...I think that about sums up my life right now. There are so many things about my life that I would not change, and then, there are things that I would give just about anything to change.

It is what it is...There are some people who will love me no matter what I do, and who will stand by me through thick and thin. There are people who will cheer me on when I try new things, or have accomplishments in my life. There are people who will just think I am awesome. There are also people who will hate me and dislike everything I do, despite my best efforts. There are people who will look for fault in all that I do. People who will only see my shortcomings, or things they do not like. There are people who will always judge my intentions in every little thing that I do. As a dear friend reminded me today, some people will just never see my heart- and there isn't a darn thing I can do to change that.

It is what it is...My life isn't perfect, and there are heartbreaks that will never be mended. There is a part of my heart that will likely never be whole.

It is what it is...I have a fantastic life, beautiful children, and a wonderful husband. Some people are very happy for me and choose to be a part of our lives. Some people do not. It just is what it is.

It is what it is...This is my life. I don't have any control over other people's emotions. I accept it and move on. I am thrilled that some people choose to be a part of our lives. I love my friends and family to pieces. For those who choose not to love me, I understand, I forgive you, and I choose to love you anyway. You don't have to accept it- that's completely your choice.

To those who choose not to be a part of my life I thought you would want to know that I'm happy. My life is what it is- and that's not such a bad thing.

With Love,


  1. Wow. This is a slightly different side of you, and I can tell that you've been going through some things with some people regarding your life choices. I definitely agree that "it is what it is" and other people can like it or not.

    I've been struggling with a similar issue with opposition to the life my husband and I want to lead, and the hardest part for me is that the opposition comes from my mother, the one who I feel should be most supportive. Throughout the struggle of trying to get her to understand my side of the story and struggling with the hurtful things she's said, I've realized that it really doesn't matter. Ultimately, she is not the one I am living to please. As long as I'm working my hardest to please my husband (here on earth) and my Father in Heaven, then I know that the decisions I make are right and I have full faith that we are making the best decisions for us.

    I don't know what the future holds, but I do know that we will march toward it with the armour of faith and the hearts to pursue His will.

    Blessings to you as you continue to "walk your walk," regardless of what others say. You do have a beautiful family, and I admire you and I find a source of support in you, and I hope you will continue to be that for me and for others who are struggling to change our lifestyles to fulfill the purposes for which our Father created us.

  2. Thanks Akehia. Yes, I know it's different. I've never enjoyed being harsh or standing up for myself, but unfortunately I am figuring out that there are times when I just have to. I love my family and will passionately defend them. :)

    I'm so sorry that you are facing some struggles with your family. Unfortunately, when you choose to do the "right" things you will face adversity. It can be really hard to deal with, but it can also help you to grow so much as well!

    Your friendship is a blessing my dear!

  3. Anonymous, you could not be more right. Life's not fair, but it sure is fabulous. I thank God for ALL of the blessings in my life every day.
