18 June 2010

25 Things I Don't Want You to Know...

Kat over at Inspired to Action wrote a great post about how as bloggers (and really, as all women), we often put our best foot forward. We don't write about the moments we don't want everyone to see, and we don't share all of our ridiculous imperfections. I was inspired by her list of 25 things to write one myself!

So, here are 25 things about me that I DON'T want you to know.
1. I am a real grump in the morning. No seriously. Don't talk to me before I have had coffee. If I do answer you (which is fairly unlikely since usually it's nothing more than unpleasant "grunts" until after my first cup) you won't like what you hear.
2. I pout like a three year old. It's ridiculous and totally non-grown-up, but I totally pout if I don't get my way. It's true. Just ask Prince Charming.
3. I purposely keep the house at a cooler temperature than what I find comfortable because I like having an excuse to wear a light sweater or curl up under a blanket. Yes, I know. I need to call Sweaters Anonymous NOW.
4. I love wearing sweaters because I am disgusted by my arms. All women seem to have body issues, and mine is definitely my arms. I have huge "mom" arms from carrying around massive toddlers for years. I'm totally embarrassed by my silly biceps.  It's silly, but I worry they make me look fatter than I really am.
5. I sometimes forget to eat until my blood sugar gets low and I get shaky. It's horrible. I get busy and forget to feed myself.
6. If I try on a new skirt, I still twirl around to see how it "spins", just like I did when I was three years old. Hmmm, wondering if part of me is still three?
7. I still have a teddy bear on my bed. 'Nuff said.
8. I am a total space cadet. I get a lot of compliments on how organized I am. I'm organized because I have to be. Otherwise I would wander aimlessly because I can't remember what I'm supposed to be doing!
9. Every time I spend any real amount of time writing (like, the old-fashioned way...ya know, with a pen and paper? Yeah, people still do that.) I get ink all over my hands. 
10. I'm terribly insecure and hate speaking in front of people because I don't want them to think that I'm stupid. I don't really get that one, I know deep down that I'm actually rather intelligent, I usually don't bother saying much about a topic unless it's something I know about, and I don't actually know of anyone who thinks that I am stupid. Seriously though, you might ask a question about baking, and I'll worry about speaking up. Crazy, huh?
11. I actually believe that I have the most beautiful children on Earth. Kinda conceited, isn't it? Seriously though, they are gorgeous and I know it. Now, I'm not sure how they ended up so gorgeous, but I'll take it!
12. I sometimes wish that I was less "nice". Totally silly, right? I am actually self conscious about it. Someone used to give me a hard time about it, constantly saying "No one is really that nice". I think that always messes with me a bit. 'Cuz seriously, I am that nice. Just ask the people I'm around a lot, they'll tell ya, lol. Seriously though, I have figured out that some people will take advantage of that. And even though I know it, I'm too stinkin' nice to stop being nice. Sigh...
13. I cry easily. I get my feelings hurt, and I cry. I get mad, and I cry. I see a sappy commercial, and I cry. Don't even get me started on Charlotte's Web...I literally cannot get through the opening song.
14. I hate driving. A lot. Seriously, if I never had to do it again, that would be more than fine by me. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy going places. I just wish that I didn't have to drive to do it, lol.
15. I stay up too late. I end up staying up late, even when I am beyond tired, just because I like spending the extra time with my husband. Kinda sappy, isn't it?
16. I love buying shoes, but absolutely hate wearing them. If you come to my house in the middle of the day, you will never find me wearing shoes. I literally only put them on if I HAVE to, and even then, the second I get in the car (if I'm not driving ;0) they come off.
17. I love watching either junk television (think "Real Housewives of NJ"), or documentaries (like the educational History Channel type things). Anything in between just doesn't hold my interest.
18. I never take out the trash. Never. Seriously, that's man work, lol. Just like I would never mow the grass. Yeah, I may be spoiled.
19. I am actually spoiled rotten. Don't get me wrong...I do work hard. Really hard. But, I am spoiled. I can admit it, and even worse, I LIKE IT.
20. I have to remind myself to talk to people. It just doesn't come naturally to me. But once I do, I am so glad that I did. I love being social...once I remember to do it, lol.
21. I totally sneak junk food when my children aren't looking but then feed them healthy things. Yeah, I know. It's bad. I've even told them before that Reece's Peanut Butter cups are just for mommies...and they BELIEVED me.  It was almost so sweet that I felt guilty...almost.
22. I believe that we can do a better job educating our children than the school system can. There. I said it. I know it's one of those things that you aren't supposed to actually admit, and it sounds "snotty", but hey, it is what it is.
23. Sometimes the upstairs of my house gets messy. Really messy. I get busy, and folding laundry sort of falls by the wayside for a few hours...er, days. I'm working on fixing that. Really, I am.
24. I am horrible at asking for help. I hate feeling like I am weak, or unable to do something on my own. It's horrible and prideful, but it's a weakness of mine. I'm a total perfectionist.
25. I'm kinda embarrassed at how easy it was to come up with this list.  Lame, isn't it? Seriously though, it was pretty easy. That's probably not good. :)



  1. You're an amazing woman. Even you're negatives are cute or sweet.

  2. It's hard to imagine you grumpy, Melly!

  3. you are one of those people where even your faults (if you can call them that) are adorable. i just recently found your blog and i am in love!!!! i can't wait to read more. you have the cutest sense of humor and your family is beautiful (i'd be conceited about them too if i was you). look forward to more amazing posts, girl!
