01 June 2010

Dear "Anonymous"

Dear Anonymous,
It's pretty sad to leave anonymous hateful comments on someones blog.  Instead of hiding behind anonymity, why not grow up and email me directly? My email address mellyelizabeth@proverbs31homemaking.com.  I'm not hiding.  Why are you?

***Update*** Just a quick clarification- The person this was intended for knows who they are. I didn't want any of my friends who post under "anonymous" to mistakenly believe that I am upset with them. If your comment is published on my blog, I am not referring to you. :) Thanks!


  1. It's so stupid when people do that. Haters need to stop hating. People who judged always end up making fools of themselves.

    I'm sorry to hear people are making comments that aren't nice. Anyone who spends ten minuets getting to know you knows you are amazing. Your family is the neatest family I have ever come across. You inspire people. I've been reading your blog for a long time now, and have learned so much from you.

    Don't let the haters get you down!

  2. oh melly, i'm so sorry someone is being mean. you are the sweetest lady i know.

  3. Whatever this mess is about- don't let it get to you. You do so much good for so many people. Your family has taught me so much, as I'm sure you've taught so many others. It has been such a blessing to watch your family grow over the years. God surely blesses those who deserve it. Hugs to you sweet lady!

  4. You are so loved!
