30 June 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside my window... a beautiful Summer day

I am thinking... man, I love my boys!

From the learning rooms... loving the new curriculum, and lots and lots of reading! Yippee!

I am thankful for... great friends and "family"

From the kitchen... teething biscuits, and I'm not sure what else...yet...

I am wearing... brown tiered skirt, brown and green print camisole, green cardigan

I am reading... "The Creative Family" by Amanda Blake Soule, I'm really enjoying this book. :)

I am hoping... to get back on the work-out wagon next week

I am creating... schedules and menus and lesson plans, oh my!

I am praying... for clarity and wisdom

Around the house... same things as usual. :)

One of my favorite things... watching the boys play together, with nothing more than their imaginations, some hats, a couch and pillows. Oh, and watching three little boys cuddle together like the best of friends!

A few plans for the rest of the week... busy with school work and house work,

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you..

Our 100 box for school!


24 June 2010

Fitting in Preschool

I've had a lot of emails lately asking for advice on how to fit preschool into an already over full day. Here are few little activities that you can do with little ones as you go about your day.

1. Give child a cookie sheet and magnets. Have a variety of sets, such as the alphabet, numbers, or colors and shapes. This can be a free-play activity or you can suggest some type of learning game. “Let’s sort these food magnets by food group.” or “Can you put these letters in order? Sing the song to help you.” or “What comes after each of these numbers?” Keep it fresh by rotating the magnet sets and making the children put them back in a ziploc when you leave the area.

2. Keep your puzzles in a place where they can be used regularly near you while you do something else. For an added challenge, you can take the pieces out of two or more puzzles and have your child sort them into the correct puzzle.

3. Cooking: Let your children join you in the kitchen! I know they make messes, but you’ll survive. Talk the whole time: tell them what you’re cooking, why you chose it (“Daddy loves this casserole.”), what ingredients you are using, what they do (“This baking soda makes the biscuits rise.”), what utensils you’re using, etc. Let them dump ingredients, stir, and anything else they can handle. Children learn so much while helping in the kitchen! Math, science, responsibility, helpfulness...

4. Let child help you while doing housework, and sing songs together. Don't underestimate the value of music! You would be amazed at how much children retain just from learning a new song!

5. Let children help with simple tasks such as sorting laundry. We have a "dot system" in our house to help sort the boys clothing, so they look at the tag and count the dots to know who's clothes are who's. It's a great math activity!

6. Flaschcards. Keep flashcards on hand and run through them throughout the day. It doesn't take much time, but the repetition is fantastic for helping little ones learn and retain information.

Hope these little tips help with trying to fit a little extra learning time into your busy day!


23 June 2010

Our Marble System

I have had so many questions lately about our "Marble System", so I figured it was past time to write a post about it. :)

There are actually two ways our Marble System works, so I will explain both. The first method is based off of working to achieve a long term goal, and the second method has shorter term rewards. You can use either method, or a combination of the two depending on what works best with your children. In my opinion there are great things about both ways of using it.

We have a large jar filled with "marbles" (actually we used decorative stones since this sits on our desk in the kitchen. I wanted it to look pretty as well as serve a purpose.). Each boy has a jar (we just used canning jars) with their name on it. (we used scrapbooking stickers :) )

The boys earn marbles for good behavior. We have a a chart on our refrigerator that lists character qualities and corresponding Scripture verses and we use this to encourage them. When they do something that exhibits one of these qualities, they earn a marble and we read about it from the chart. They don't automatically earn marbles for doing chores, but if they go above and beyond on something then they earn a marble for that. They can also lose marbles for negative behaviors.

They can work toward a big prize by earning enough marbles to fill their jar. This can be a toy, or getting to go see a movie or a trip for icecream- whatever you feel is appropriate.

The nice thing about the marble system is that it works for a wide range of ages. For younger children, the instant reward of getting to pick a marble and put it in their jar just makes their day. For older children. they learn to work towards a goal, and also learn that doing the right thing can be really rewarding. They also learn that negative behavior takes them farther from reaching their goal (isn't that a fabulous life lesson?!)

*Update* I just wanted to add a few thoughts on this system...
An incentive system works well for some children, but not for ALL. I would advise caution to watch that your child is not doing the good behaviors only when they think they'll be rewarded. Children need to learn that it is important to do the right thing...whether there is a reward or not.


22 June 2010

Simple Woman's Day Book

Outside my window... the sun is setting on a pretty nice day.

I am thinking... Sigh. My heart feels sad for people who's lives must be utterly miserable for them to seek out hurting others.

From the learning rooms... New curriculum!!!! Yay!!!!

I am thankful for...  an abundance of "stuff", even though it was driving me crazy earlier when trying to get organized, lol!

From the kitchen... pot roast, mashed potatoes, veggies and sweet tea. Oh, and haircuts...yeah, we do haircuts in the kitchen, lol.

I am wearing... navy blue pants, a green and blue geometric print shirt.

I am reading... "For the Children's Sake" by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay

I am hoping... that Joshua wakes up tomorrow with his cough all better. Poor bear!

I am creating... organized spaces!

I am praying... for patience.

Around the house... same things as usual. :)

One of my favorite things... looking forward to Rick having a vacation.

A few plans for the rest of the week... meeting with a friend tomorrow to talk about homeschool co-op plans, a party on Thursday, school, hopefully the gym, and all the usual good stuff.

Here is a picture thought(s) I am sharing with you..


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Grass is Greener...":

did you think you could hide in your "closet"

Dear "Anonymous",
It would be awfully silly of me to be "hiding" under a domain name that is my actual name. :)


Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside my window... the sun is setting on a pretty nice day.

I am thinking... Sigh. My heart feels sad for people who's lives must be utterly miserable for them to seek out hurting others.

From the learning rooms... New curriculum!!!! Yay!!!!

I am thankful for... an abundance of "stuff", even though it was driving me crazy earlier when trying to get organized, lol!

From the kitchen... pot roast, mashed potatoes, veggies and sweet tea. Oh, and haircuts...yeah, we do haircuts in the kitchen, lol.

I am reading... "For the Children's Sake" by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay

I am hoping... that Joshua wakes up tomorrow with his cough all better. Poor bear!

I am creating... organized spaces!

I am praying... for patience.

Around the house... same things as usual. :)

One of my favorite things... looking forward to Rick having a vacation.

A few plans for the rest of the week... meeting with a friend tomorrow to talk about homeschool co-op plans, a party on Thursday, school, hopefully the gym, and all the usual good stuff.

Here is a picture thought(s) I am sharing with you..

21 June 2010

A Father's Day Poem

What Makes a Dad
God took the strength of a mountain,
The majesty of a tree,
The warmth of the Summer sun,
The calm of the quiet sea,
The generous soul of nature,
The comforting arm of night,
The wisdom of the ages,
The power of the eagle's flight,
The joy of the morning in Spring,
The faith of a mustard seed,
The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family in need,
Then God combined these qualities,
When there was nothing more to add,
He knew His masterpiece was complete,
And so...

He called it Dad!
- author unknown

The boys made tool belts. They colored paper tools and on each tool we wrote something about Daddy that we love.

Jacob said, "I love that Daddy lets me ride with him sometimes", "He works really hard for us", "Hugs and Kisses" and "He is silly with me."

Joshua said, "Big bear hugs", "He likes to hold me", "He works really hard for us", and "He reads me stories."

Joseph said, "Tucks me in at night", "Hugs and Kisses", and "He works really hard for us."

"Honor your father and mother, as the Lord your God has commanded you." ~ Deuteronomy 5:16


20 June 2010

A Father's Day Swim!

All Daddy wanted to do for Father's Day was spend the day in the pool. I love how it is the simplest things that make him the happiest!

Daddy wanted to try out his new grill, so he grilled out hotdogs and brats. It's kinda funny that he ended up going for us on Father's Day, but it's what he wanted, and we all had such a lovely time!

It ended up being a beautiful day to spend in the pool.

The boys had fun eating their yummy dinner outside. We made a batch of frozen strawberry drinks, and the boys thought that was the coolest! I was so glad I caught this sweet moment between Joshua and Joe sharing their chips!

Joe didn't want to be in his "baby boat" today...he wanted to SWIM! I am totally amazed at how well he is doing. It just seems to come naturally to him. He was feeling especially brave today and wanted to try jumping from the side!

Joe wasn't even scared when he went underwater! After Joe jumped a bunch of times, Jacob was even willing to give it a try. Jacob is my sweet cautious one, so I was proud of him for being so brave!

We had a great time hanging out in the pool. I'm glad that Daddy was able to spend the day just how he wanted!

I'm so proud to call this man the father of my children. I am so amazed by the example that he sets for them everyday. I love seeing how much they adore him, and want to emulate him. Happy Father's Day to the best daddy ever!


19 June 2010

Splash Park!

The boys had a fantastic time at the Splash Park at our gym. It was hilarious, when Jacob first went up to go down the slide he said, "Um, this water's kinda getting me all wet." Yeah, it's kinda a water park, dude. Joe was a little unsure at first. He hung out around the edges for quite some time before actually going in. Jacob was scared at first about going down the water slide, but then one of the big kids that was there went with him, and after that he LOVED it! Then Jacob went with Joshua since he was a little scared, too. Joe never did go down the slide, but he had a blast playing in the pool at the bottom.

We had a great afternoon playing with friends of ours. The Splash Park sure is a fun place to play on a hot day!


18 June 2010

25 Things I Don't Want You to Know...

Kat over at Inspired to Action wrote a great post about how as bloggers (and really, as all women), we often put our best foot forward. We don't write about the moments we don't want everyone to see, and we don't share all of our ridiculous imperfections. I was inspired by her list of 25 things to write one myself!

So, here are 25 things about me that I DON'T want you to know.
1. I am a real grump in the morning. No seriously. Don't talk to me before I have had coffee. If I do answer you (which is fairly unlikely since usually it's nothing more than unpleasant "grunts" until after my first cup) you won't like what you hear.
2. I pout like a three year old. It's ridiculous and totally non-grown-up, but I totally pout if I don't get my way. It's true. Just ask Prince Charming.
3. I purposely keep the house at a cooler temperature than what I find comfortable because I like having an excuse to wear a light sweater or curl up under a blanket. Yes, I know. I need to call Sweaters Anonymous NOW.
4. I love wearing sweaters because I am disgusted by my arms. All women seem to have body issues, and mine is definitely my arms. I have huge "mom" arms from carrying around massive toddlers for years. I'm totally embarrassed by my silly biceps.  It's silly, but I worry they make me look fatter than I really am.
5. I sometimes forget to eat until my blood sugar gets low and I get shaky. It's horrible. I get busy and forget to feed myself.
6. If I try on a new skirt, I still twirl around to see how it "spins", just like I did when I was three years old. Hmmm, wondering if part of me is still three?
7. I still have a teddy bear on my bed. 'Nuff said.
8. I am a total space cadet. I get a lot of compliments on how organized I am. I'm organized because I have to be. Otherwise I would wander aimlessly because I can't remember what I'm supposed to be doing!
9. Every time I spend any real amount of time writing (like, the old-fashioned way...ya know, with a pen and paper? Yeah, people still do that.) I get ink all over my hands. 
10. I'm terribly insecure and hate speaking in front of people because I don't want them to think that I'm stupid. I don't really get that one, I know deep down that I'm actually rather intelligent, I usually don't bother saying much about a topic unless it's something I know about, and I don't actually know of anyone who thinks that I am stupid. Seriously though, you might ask a question about baking, and I'll worry about speaking up. Crazy, huh?
11. I actually believe that I have the most beautiful children on Earth. Kinda conceited, isn't it? Seriously though, they are gorgeous and I know it. Now, I'm not sure how they ended up so gorgeous, but I'll take it!
12. I sometimes wish that I was less "nice". Totally silly, right? I am actually self conscious about it. Someone used to give me a hard time about it, constantly saying "No one is really that nice". I think that always messes with me a bit. 'Cuz seriously, I am that nice. Just ask the people I'm around a lot, they'll tell ya, lol. Seriously though, I have figured out that some people will take advantage of that. And even though I know it, I'm too stinkin' nice to stop being nice. Sigh...
13. I cry easily. I get my feelings hurt, and I cry. I get mad, and I cry. I see a sappy commercial, and I cry. Don't even get me started on Charlotte's Web...I literally cannot get through the opening song.
14. I hate driving. A lot. Seriously, if I never had to do it again, that would be more than fine by me. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy going places. I just wish that I didn't have to drive to do it, lol.
15. I stay up too late. I end up staying up late, even when I am beyond tired, just because I like spending the extra time with my husband. Kinda sappy, isn't it?
16. I love buying shoes, but absolutely hate wearing them. If you come to my house in the middle of the day, you will never find me wearing shoes. I literally only put them on if I HAVE to, and even then, the second I get in the car (if I'm not driving ;0) they come off.
17. I love watching either junk television (think "Real Housewives of NJ"), or documentaries (like the educational History Channel type things). Anything in between just doesn't hold my interest.
18. I never take out the trash. Never. Seriously, that's man work, lol. Just like I would never mow the grass. Yeah, I may be spoiled.
19. I am actually spoiled rotten. Don't get me wrong...I do work hard. Really hard. But, I am spoiled. I can admit it, and even worse, I LIKE IT.
20. I have to remind myself to talk to people. It just doesn't come naturally to me. But once I do, I am so glad that I did. I love being social...once I remember to do it, lol.
21. I totally sneak junk food when my children aren't looking but then feed them healthy things. Yeah, I know. It's bad. I've even told them before that Reece's Peanut Butter cups are just for mommies...and they BELIEVED me.  It was almost so sweet that I felt guilty...almost.
22. I believe that we can do a better job educating our children than the school system can. There. I said it. I know it's one of those things that you aren't supposed to actually admit, and it sounds "snotty", but hey, it is what it is.
23. Sometimes the upstairs of my house gets messy. Really messy. I get busy, and folding laundry sort of falls by the wayside for a few hours...er, days. I'm working on fixing that. Really, I am.
24. I am horrible at asking for help. I hate feeling like I am weak, or unable to do something on my own. It's horrible and prideful, but it's a weakness of mine. I'm a total perfectionist.
25. I'm kinda embarrassed at how easy it was to come up with this list.  Lame, isn't it? Seriously though, it was pretty easy. That's probably not good. :)


17 June 2010

Firetrucks and Curriculum

Today we had our monthly Mommy & Me meeting. The firemen and policeman came to show the children the emergency vehicles. The children all loved climbing in the firetruck!

We finally decided on our kindergarten curriculum and Jacob is so excited. He just cannot wait for it to arrive. We ordered the little boys some preschool manipulatives. We are so looking forward to the new curriculum! I was so excited looking through the future grades and seeing how we will be able to teach the boys together and yet on their separate levels. We ended up going with My Father's World. A friend recommended it after I had asked about another program. I am so glad that she did!

I am about to start a new homeschooling group for families of young children. It sounds a bit daunting, but there seems to be a gap that needs to be filled. It's something that I've been feeling a "nudge" about for quite some time, but have continued to put off. (I'm too busy, there's just too much going on, I've never done anything like that before...) But, I will always be busy, there will always be a ton going on, and I'll never have experience unless I do it. So, I am doing it!

Well, I am off to do a little reading and hanging out with Prince Charming before bedtime!


15 June 2010

Simple Woman's Day Book

Outside my window... it looks dreary and muggy. Blech...

I am thinking... Why don't people just say what they mean, and mean what they say? It's not that complicated, people.

From the learning rooms... hitting the books hard today!

I am thankful for... my amazing, awesome and fantastic husband who just celebrated his birthday!

From the kitchen... fresh bread. Not sure what else yet...Oh, and I need to make up a batch of my cleaning supplies.

I am wearing...  a dark khaki suede skirt (yes, I know, suede in June sounds nuts...but it's really lightweight suede...) a brown, blue and melon paisley cami, and a light blue cardigan (yep, I'm joining SA, otherwise known as Sweaters Anonymous, any day now. )

I am reading... "Girls Just Gotta Have Clean.", oh and rock books and space books, of course. :)

I am hoping... to accomplish a good amount of work today before heading to my boot camp class at the gym- and all with an amazing amount of energy and a cheerful spirit, lol.

I am creating... a new, slimmer appearance. Well, here's hoping anyway, hahahaha.

I am praying... for wisdom.

Around the house... need to give the kitchen a good cleaning today, a little laundry, but otherwise not to much to do.

One of my favorite things... having a cup of coffee with a friend.

A few plans for the rest of the week... boot camp class tonight at the gym, school with the boys, spin class tomorrow, baking a cake for a raffle, M&M meeting on Thursday,

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you..

