07 June 2009

This Week,,,

We are moving THIS WEEK!!!!!!! Ok, deep breath, I will not panic! Actually, I think we are in pretty good shape. Almost everything is packed, almost everything is done to get the house ready, and all the arrangements for the actual move have been made. Jacob is excited and asks everyday if today is the day to go to the new house.

This week will certainly be busy. Monday and Tuesday, I plan to finish ALL of our laundry and have suitcases packed for the move. Tuesday evening, Rick is planning to load up the suburban with boxes. Wednesday, Julia is coming over for the last time :(, and then that afternoon we are going over to sign papers and get the keys to the new house. We will then take the load of boxes over and probably have fun just looking around our new house. Then Thursday I will probably run a few more small things over, and perhaps take some time to clean the new house. Then Friday is moving day! Saturday we will have to come back over to this house to finish any clean up or last minute things that need to be taken care of. And then Sunday is Rick's birthday. Whew.

The following week will also be busy. Two of the boys have doctor appointments, and people coming over to do things like hook up the phone and internet, and to "open" our pool. The week after that I have my ultrasound and next visit with the midwife. So it looks like it is going to be crazy for a while, lol.

I really need to remember to schedule a vet visit for Oliver as well.

Ok, take another deep breath, lol.

I am really looking forward to setting up the new house though. I absolutely LOVE setting up house. So it will be crazy and busy, but I will be as happy as a pig in mud.

Oh the boys have been just full of great things to say this week...Jacob told me that Joshua likes to play with bugs. He said he puts them in his tractor and in trucks and then he gives them to Joe. Apparently, Joe likes to eat bugs. I will never understand the mind of a little boy... I asked Joshua about the bugs, and then he proceeded to tell me the same things that Jacob had said. Only with much more excitement, lol.

On Friday, I had an appointment with my midwife and I told Jacob that she would listen to the baby, and he asked, "What will the baby say?" We just had to laugh at that one. What a good question!

My husband shaved his beard on Saturday, and this morning Jacob asked him why he took his beard off again today. We then tried to explain the whole concept of how facial hair grows and then some men shave it off, but I think it went over his head.

Joshua kept telling us this weekend that he wants to go ride his tractor outside. We tried explaining to him about how we are in the middle of getting things ready to move, and it is just too busy right now. And then I explained to him all that would happen this week. He looked at me like he was listening intently, and when I asked him if he understood, he smiled really big and said , "My go ride tractor outside then". Too, too cute.

Joe learned a new word, "dog". He was mighty excited about it, too. :) It is such a cute age when they are finally learning to communicate in words, and to be able to do the things their older siblings do. He is just so proud of himself when he can run a little "errand" like getting a diaper or putting something in the garbage, or taking his plate to the sink. He has been so affectionate this past week. He frequently will run up to me for a quick hug, and then back to his playing. And his little kisses are just too cute. He makes an adorable "mah" sound as he kisses. I can hear the start of many more words he is trying to learn. I have a feeling that before we know it, he will be fully talking. I think he knows it, too, lol.

Well that is all for now. I think I will lay down for a few minutes. I am going to need all the energy I can muster over the next few weeks.

May God's Blessings Be Upon You,


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