01 June 2009

Shopping and Packing and Laundry, Oh My

Oh wow, only 11 days until our move!!!! Ok, I must take a deep breath and focus. There is still much that I need to do, but I am making good progress.

This weekend we took Jacob shopping for clothes. He is growing so fast! I cannot believe how tall he looks. When I look at him he seems more like a "big kid" than a preschooler. He was most excited to get new shoes, lol. We also found a few new pairs of shoes for me, shoes for Joshua and some adorably cute plaid pants with matching hats for Joseph.

We did some packing in the kitchen this weekend. Rick was a huge help, especially with all the heavy food items that needed to be packed. He also brought in more boxes and paper so I can get things done while he is at work. Our house feels like a maze of boxes at this point.

Today I am going to try to tackle a mountain of laundry, which somehow seems to be multiplying each night as we sleep. And I am also going to get some more packing done from our closet. I am hoping we will have enough boxes. I can't even believe that we might not. We saved nearly all the boxes from our move here, how can we possibly have more stuff than we did a year and a half ago????

I am going to add a few new pictures from this weekend as I get a chance today.

May God's Blessings Be Upon You!


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