08 June 2009


This morning I gave the boys haircuts. The last time I cut Joshua's hair the clippers weren't working all that well and I we had to jump ship. Poor Joseph just had to go without. Rick fixed the clippers this weekend so I thought I would give it another go, and this time was much more successful. Joseph loved the haircut experience, he thought that it tickled and he giggled the entire time. Joshua is the easiest and most cooperative. I had to wrestle Jacob and hold him down as usual. But it's done now :).

I tried to get pictures of the boys after their haircuts, and getting good pictures of them these days is about as difficult as pulling teeth on an alligator. Joseph likes having his taken, but he tries to run towards the camera with a big goofy grin...usually resulting in a squinty eyed silly picture. Joshua is usually good about it, but the last few days he refuses to cooperate. And Jacob...well Jacob is in a phase of making awkward phases and postures any time there is a camera in the near vicinity. So this is as good as it gets right now, lol. Maybe we should wait a bit before attempting to have a family portrait done...



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