10 June 2009

A Crazy, Busy Day!

It's going to be a crazy, busy day! Julia will be here around nine...there is basically none of the "usual" cleaning things to be done, so I am going to have her help with a few last minute things around here. Then, I need to leave around 3 to go meet Rick and get the keys to the new house. After that we are taking a load of boxes over, and I am sure we will enjoy just looking around for a bit. I think it will be exciting for Jacob because he really understands that we are moving.

Tomorrow my husband is participating in a dodge ball tournament with the guys at work. (Yes, you read that right, a dodge ball tournament) I did remind him that there is no room for dodge ball injuries, lol. After work he is picking up the moving truck and is planning to take a load up to the Salvation Army, and then a load over to the new house of mostly boxes and smaller things.

Friday is the big day. The children and I will probably drive over when they take the first load (we are thinking there might be two or three loads in the moving truck), and then we will just stay at the new house while they make the other loads.

I am already tired and it is only a quarter to eight...this can't be good, lol. I need to sit down and make a list of what we need to do today, and then try to remember to breathe. How is it that this move of only 35 miles or so feels as crazy as moving half way across the country???

Oh and Rick read last night that it is supposed to storm on Friday. We will not stress...We will not stress...

Ok, going to work on that to-do list now.



  1. How exciting for you and your family. You make sure that you take it easy and maybe get some rest in there today. Be praying.
