01 June 2009

Not Me Monday

I enjoy reading my friend Pam's "Not Me Mondays" so much that I had to go and read the others over at My Charming Kids, and then decided to do one myself. So here is my first Not Me Monday Post.

I did not just tell my three year old to go clean up the playroom so that I can drink an instant breakfast in peace. I am a very loving and attentive mother.

I did not have to get dressed in a crazy hurry at 8:30 this morning because I got a phone call that the AC guy was pulling in my driveway. I am always prepared and ready to face the day bright and early each morning.

I did not eat carrots out of a serving bowl the other day immediately after lunch and then get told by my three year old that this was not "proper". I also did not tell this same three year old to be quiet and go get me a fork so that I would not have to get back up. I would never use being pregnant as an excuse to eat carrots from a serving bowl in the living room.

I was also not asked by said three year old if there would be any food left in the house because I am eating it all.

I did not pack the dish scrubber the other day even though we still had two weeks before we move.

I also did not run out of pants for one of my children because I fell behind on laundry and then had to "borrow" pants from one of his brothers.

I did not cry about wanting a sandwich from Schloltzky's the other day and then throw up in a paper bag in the car after eating it.

I did not laugh when my husband accidentally bought girl's pull ups for our two year old. I also did not laugh even harder when we put a pull up on him that had a ballerina sliding down a rainbow. I would never put a girl pull up on my son so I couldn't possibly have laughed at that.

I did not tell my husband on Saturday that I had a headache because I had not yet eaten a bowl of olives with a glass of sparkling water. And I certainly didn't pick out the "ugly" olives from the bowl and give them to my son.

I am so glad that I did not do all of these things!



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