08 June 2009

Not Me Monday

I am not sitting here drinking a cup of coffee with Splenda in it, because I am pretty sure I read somewhere that you should not use Splenda when you are expecting. I also did not use said Splenda simply because it is mocha flavored and I was jealous that my husband got to have it.

I did not tell my son to not "act like a dingbat". I assure you I am considerably more sensitive than that.

I did not let the children and I sleep in late this morning because I know we are moving this week and there must be plenty to do.

I have not resorted to feeding my family a diet consisting mainly of cold pre-packaged cereal, corndogs, chicken nuggets and hot dogs. And when I did actually fry up a package of sausage yesterday, my children did not look at it like ravagenous animals ready to pounce. I assure you they were not drooling and foaming at the mouth just for a piece of it.

I have not been sitting around wondering if people can tell when they look at me that I am expecting, or if I just look like never lost my baby belly after Joseph. I am not that shallow. Really, I'm not. No, seriously, I'm really not.

I did not tell my husband that I want to dye my hair, and then describe the color that I want to dye it. And that color was NOT the exact same color that it already is (which is my natural color).

I did not tell my husband to use the wrong paint when we were touching up the little boys' room. And when he used it and it looked wrong, I did not reassure him that it was the right color. I am surely more careful than that.

I did not lose every phone in our house last week after letting my cell phone go dead, and then finally find ONE of our home phones under the living room sofa- with a dead battery. I did not have a wonderful friend of mine call my house over and over again so that I could try to find the phone. And I most certainly did NOT cry about it, lol.

When my husband shaved his beard and cut his hair differently, I did not tell him that he looked 15 years younger. And when he said, "hey that would make me look about 16 or 17", I did NOT tell him that he didn't look his age in the first place and that everyone thought he was much older than he is. I am a very sensitive and sweet, loving and caring wife. I did not then proceed in reassuring him by reminding him that I have always found older men more attractive. And I certainly did not remind him that my childhood crush was Tom Brokaw. (yes, THAT Tom Brokaw from NBC News, who is definitely older than my grandparents)

Ok, I am seriously hoping that once we move and life settles down that it will not be so easy to find things for Not Me Monday. But, who am I kidding?



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