21 January 2010

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for so many things this wonderful Thursday morning.

I am thankful for my home, and for the freedom to make my home the perfect home for me. I love visiting other people's homes and seeing the different ways they choose to decorate and run their homes. It is so neat to see different people's personalities expressed in the colors they use and the way they decorate. You can tell so much about priorities and what they love, just by being in their home.

I love that my home is decorated in just the right way for US. We are such a mix of things, and it is neat to see that around my home. Our house has traditional, dark wood molding, but we chose bright, bold colors for the paint on the walls...We have somewhat formal furniture in some rooms, but really comfortable furniture for the living room. It's just who we are. We tend to be somewhat old-fashioned and traditional, but we are not without "spunk". We can be a bit "proper" but at the same time, we are not "stiff".

You can see our faith expressed all around the house. You could never walk into my home and wonder if we are Christian...I like that. Just to clarify- I'm not saying that these things make us Christian, I am saying these things are in our home BECAUSE we are Christian.

I love that we have pictures of our family, all throughout the house. I love being surrounded by pictures of my most cherished blessings. I love seeing the baby pictures of my Jacob, and pictures of the brothers together. I think my favorite pictures are the family pictures. I love seeing the first one, of just the three of us, and then four, and then five...I can't wait to have a new picture with Jamie included.

What I love most about my home though, is that it has nothing to do with the physical structure. We could be in any house, anywhere in the world, but my "home" would be the same. This place is only my home, because I am surrounded by the blessings that God chose to put in my life. And that, to me, is really something to be thankful for.



  1. What is so sweet is that you have an amazing house, and you are thankful for the people in it. What a great perspective you have. So many folks get caught up in the material. It's refreshing to see someone remember what matters.
