11 January 2010

Monday Ramblings

My day has started out pleasantly...I am wearing a new dress and at the breakfast table this morning, Jacob said, "Oh you look pretty this morning, Mommy. When I finish my oatmeal I will have to get my camera and take a picture of you." He knows how to make his mommy feel special, lol.

I think we are all in a better mood because we actually were able to get out of the house yesterday! It seems crazy but it was the first time we have been able to get out since before Christmas...We are still not able to get our suburban up our driveway (apparently it is just too steep...and I keep thinking our driveway is about 200 ft but then Rick told me that it's more like 300...Even after the huge blessing of our neighbor getting out there on his ATV and salting it and scraping it, we still can't get up!) so we decided to just walk everyone down the hill. Yesterday was the first day it has been anywhere near warm enough (got up to the mid twenties) to even consider doing that. We went to Target and it was really nice because we found a few dresses and they were even on sale, lol.

Oh the boys are too cute...I'm packing away Christmas decorations, and they asked "Are you going to pack away our Christmas toys (meaning their gifts from this year) until next Christmas?" Makes me want to hug them...I think it's just too cute that they didn't realize that they get to KEEP their gifts!

I had this wonderful thought the other day...if I had all the money in the world and could live anywhere...I would choose to live right here. I just think I live in the most wonderful place. I know, I probably sound silly, what is so great about Missouri, right? I don't know what it is or even why, but I just feel like we are exactly where we are supposed to be. It's a good feeling...

Pax Christi,


  1. you have such a sweet perspective on life. i love reading your blog because you encourage me so much.

  2. Obviously you guys have done a great job of teaching your kids values and to not have gimme attitudes. From the sound of it, maybe they are learning from example. You guys rock. I'm bookmarking your site, and looking forward to learning lots from you in the future.

  3. I love that you use words like "pleasant". You are so cute.

    This might be too personal, but were you homeschooled? You just seem very unjaded or innocent. I mean that as a compliment.

  4. Dear Anonymous,
    No, I was not homeschooled, but I certainly wish that I had been!

    Thank you for your kind comments, and I do take them as a compliment. :)

    Melly Elizabeth

  5. Dear Anonymous,
    Thank you for the compliment in how we are raising our children...it means the world to me to hear such words of encouragement!

    Melly Elizabeth
