During this time of economic downturn, so may people are looking for ways to cut expenses. One thing we do that save us quite a bit of money each month is home haircuts.
I have been cutting the boys', and my husband's hair for several years now. It all started for a totally different reason than cost though...Jacob used to be terrified of getting his hair cut. The last time we went to have it down, the lady ended up cutting his ear because he just would not sit still. The poor little guy would scream in fright! I had a friend who had five boys, and she cut all of their hair, so that gave me the idea to try.
Once I was doing Jacob's it just made sense to give Rick's a try as well. He was always having a hard time finding the time to go as it was. And I have been cutting their hair ever since.
It's really not very complicated and I will try to explain how I do it here.
Joseph really likes his baby Mohawk, so I cut his hair so that it will be easy to style. Around the sides and back I use a #2 guard. The top section I use a #4 guard. Then I use a little hair gel to shape his Mohawk.Joshua has very fine hair, and it really won't do much style-wise, so it easiest to keep it cut very short. Because his hair is so soft and find, I use a #3 around the sides and back and it ends up looking about the same as the #2 does on his brothers. I cut the top just a tad shorter, using a #4 guard. It's simple and very easy to maintain, which is just perfect for him!
I cut Jacob's hair a little differently this time, I was wanting it low maintenance so I cut it a little shorter than I usually do. For his usual cut, I do the same as I do for Rick's. But this time I used a #2 around the sides, a #4 on the top, and then blended it with a #3.
Thanks to Jacob for taking this picture! He got a camera for Christmas and is really enjoying learning to take pictures.
For Rick's hair, I use a #2 guard around the sides. For the top I use a #7 guard, and then I use the in between guards to blend it in.
We love doing haircuts and home. It saves us time and money. Especially now with four boys, and my husband, it would be rather expensive each month. It is much less stressful doing it at home!
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