It seems I can hardly turn around without being reminded of something else that I am thankful for. I think if I tried to list all of the little things that seem to make my life so wonderful, I would never finish that list!
It also seems that every week, I write about how thankful I am for my boys. I can't help it, but when I think of the things I am most thankful for, they are always right up at the top of that list. Don't get me wrong, there are days (and probably moments every single day) where they drive me up the wall. Especially when I have spent all day working around the house, and everything looks so wonderful and then I turn around to see this:But, the good always outweighs the bad. My boys are amazing, and they are just full of reminders of how much God loves me.
The boys were happy to help with baking today. We decided to use the last of the pumpkin and make Pumpkin Butterscotch Muffins and Pumpkin Bread.
We had a decent day with school today, although I did have to keep reminding Jacob to slow down and do things carefully. I am just so thankful for his eager attitude towards learning!
I am thankful for my coffee, lol, which I am about to drink another cup of, even though it is four o'clock in the afternoon.
I had a few picture frames laying around that were needing pictures in them, and as I was looking through our family pictures I came across these from about two years ago:I can't believe how much these two have grown! Can you believe that little baby is JOSHUA????? It's hard to believe that he was ever anything but big and rambunctious!
And what a babyface on my Jacob! He has grown so much and really become a "big kid".
I am off to clean up my messy kitchen. Little boys + measuring cups + flour= big mess.
Beautiful pictures! I just had to laugh at Joshua in the middle of the pile of books though!