17 December 2009

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for tiny baby hands...ever so kissable. I love to just sit and hold those precious hands!

I am thankful for...sweet baby cheeks. Oh how I love those chubby cheeks! I love seeing pieces of each of his brothers in him. Joshua's face, but with darker eyes. Dark hair like Jacob. He seems to have the same strong willed nature of Joseph...

I am thankful for...cute little toes! I know that one day, before I am ready, those feet will not be so little! Soon, they will run through the house, just like the others. Someday, he will walk on these feet, play, run, and jump. They will be bigger than my feet before I know it. But, he will always be my baby.

I am thankful for this precious bundle of joy! For everything that he will become, and for the very special little person he already is! I love you, Jamie-kins!

Pax Christi,


  1. I can not believe how big he has gotten. He is adorable.

  2. Thanks! I know, he is suddenly HUGE. Not sure how that happened....lol.
