16 December 2009

Baking Cookies!

We've been busy this week with a LOT of baking! Between the cookie swap and Christmas party, there have been a lot of cookies and breads to be made!

Please excuse my mess, lol! It's been a little chaotic trying to get everything accomplished this week.

The boys really liked helping with the sugar cookies. They thought it was very neat to see the frosting turn from white to red or green when we added the coloring! Jacob thought that the sprinkles were "beautiful". He's been a big help with the baking this week. :)

There's still more baking to do this week. I love how excited the boys get about baking together. What a great way to learn math...counting cups of flour, helping to measure out ingredients. What amazes me is how Jacob can remember the ingredients in a recipe after I have read it to him. He really enjoys helping. I really enjoy the conversations we have while working together. I hope he will always remember these times...I know I sure will!


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